It's pretty out. Get out and enjoy it. Walk, shop, eat, climb rocks. Just spend some time outdoors.
For the Kids ... (Really)
Attend the 15th Annual BUGS Farmers Market .BUGS stands for Baltimore Urban Gardening with Students. Third to eighth grade students from Baltimore City will show what they've learned about gardening, creative arts, and entrepreneurship while running their own business for a day. Buy vegetables, flowers, art, and homemade dressings and salsa. At the Living Classrooms Foundation East Harbor Campus in Baltimore on Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
For the Grownups ...
Take in some Zumba, kickboxing, Tabata, or yoga at the Wellness and Fitness event. There will be wellness exhibitors, arts and crafts, and food from places like Whole Foods, Michelle's Kitchen, Earthbound Organic Farm, and Garry's Grill.What better way to complement your workout? At the Severna Park Community Center on Saturday at 9 a.m.
For the Whole Family ....
Seriously, take a walk -- at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels on Saturday at 8 a.m. It suppports the Mid-Shore Animal League. Walkers raising $30 will receive a dog bandanna; those raising $60 or more will receive the bandanna and a T-shirt. The parade down Talbot St. will include a float and music, and the day will include caricatures by Rick Kollinger, contests, refreshments, vendors, and prizes.