Usually, I try to keep my weekend event recommendations to three. I think it helps to avoid an information overload. Y'know, that whole streamlining thing. But today, I can't help myself. There's just too much going on.
If you're going to be traversing around Annapolis on Friday, I suggest you make time for a stop at the 66th Annual Rotary Club of Annapolis Crab Feast. It's arguably the largest crab feast in the world! Nearly 3,000 crab lovers gather there each year to feast on the Bay's bounty. In addition to large 1 male crabs (the big ones) and Maryland vegetable crab soup, there's plenty of other food and drink available. Even you non-seafood folks will have things to eat! The crab feast takes place at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium from 5-8 p.m. Tickets start at $60.
If you find yourself on the Shore this weekend, you're in for a real treat. And, this is where I have to double up. This Saturday marks the kickoff of the Inaugural American Red Cross One Design Cup. The Miles River Yacht Club and the American Red Cross of the Delmarva Peninsula have joined together to create this truly awesome charity regatta. There will be non-stop racing for two days, a silent auction, a raffle and a presentation dinner. The Old and New Bluegrass Band will be on hand to provide musical entertainment. And, best of all, proceeds from the event go directly to the local anch of the American Red Cross. It costs $5 to attend (children under 12 are free), and $20 to take place in the presentation dinner.
And, make sure you stop by the Annual Fireman's Carnival at St. Michaels High School. It ends on Saturday, so now's your last chance to visit. But, don't be too sad, you could become $10,000 richer by taking a chance in their annual raffle. The carnival is free to attend, and rides are $20.
Or, maybe you're looking to anch out a little bit. Head over to Baltimore and help the National Aquarium cele ate its 30th anniversary. They're holding a three day festival that highlights their mission and their pledge to give back to the community. This family-friendly multicultural event will feature a variety of entertainment including Milkshake Trio, St. Veronica's Youth Steel Orchestra, Mexico Vivo, The Waxter Center Steppers and More. There will also be face painting, an Ocean Art Project, character appearances, zumba dance instruction, and a kid's corner. So much to do!