A fellowship trained facial plastic surgeon has extensive and specialized training in the face and neck. Your face is one of the most complicated and delicate areas of your body and requires a surgeon with an exceptional attention to detail, function and aesthetics. Whether you are treating a medical condition or desire an improved appearance, trust your face to a specialist—trust your face to Dr. Sandel!
Featured Patient: Rhinoplasty (actual patient of Dr. Sandel)
Rhinoplasty or “nose surgery” is one of the most requested surgical procedures of teenagers. Reshaping the nose can give new confi dence to patients by removing a hump, reducing the size of the tip and making the nose smaller and less noticeable. In many cases, not only are refi nements made to the shape but also to its function. Both aspects can be addressed to give patients a natural, soft er appearing nose that eathes and functions well. Learn more about Rhinoplasty and other procedures by visiting our website www.sandelcenter.com.
Facelift, Midface Lift, Forehead Lift • Eyelid Aesthetic Surgery • Non-surgical and Laser Skin Rejuvenation Aesthetic Injectables and BOTOX Dysport • Lip Enhancement Primary and Revision Rhinoplasty • Nasal Breathing Disorders • Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Removal • Scar Revision
American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Fellow, American College of Surgeons
American Medical Association
Anne Arundel Medical Center
Georgetown University Hospital
The Sandel Center for Facial Plastic Surgery is pleased to offer patients in the Annapolis area the best possible environment for surgical and non-surgical treatments in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. As a plastic surgeon specializing in the face and neck, Dr. Sandel provides patients the highest level of care with a focus on detail, function, and aesthetics. Each patient is given an extensive consultation, a comprehensive review of the treatment options available and long-term follow-up care to ensure the most optimal results.
Dr. Sandel performs cosmetic surgical procedures such as primary and revision rhinoplasty, facelift s, mid-face lift s, forehead lift s, aesthetic eyelid surgery, lip enhancement, otoplasty(ear reduction), and liposuction. He also off ers many non-surgical treatments including laser skin rejuvenation, chemical peels, oadband light, and aesthetic injectables such as BOTOX®, Dysport™, Restylane®, Juvederm™, Radiesse®, and Perlane®.
Th e Sandel Center participates with most health insurance plans to treat patients with nasal eathing disorders, skin cancer, facial trauma, and scar revision.
“For many people, there is an association of plastic surgery with just cosmetic surgery,” says Dr. Sandel. “While we certainly excel in these procedures, many of our patients visit us because they need reconstructive procedures to fi x nasal eathing disorders, issues left behind in the wake of diseases or accidents, or skin cancer diagnosis and repair. Whether a patient comes to us for cosmetic purposes or for reconstruction, the overall goal is a quality, natural result. For that, patients can really benefi t from a plastic surgeon with specialized training in facial procedures.”
Dr. Sandel graduated from the University of Virginia and received his medical degree from the University of South Carolina. He attended Georgetown University Hospital for an internship in general surgery and residency training in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Sandel was then selected to one of the most prestigious cosmetic surgery fellowships in Advanced Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Aft er completion, he moved to Annapolis with his wife, a native of Severna Park, to open Th e Sandel Center for Facial Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Sandel is double board-certifi ed in Advanced Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and active on staff at Anne Arundel Medical Center.
For more information on Dr. Sandel or the Sandel Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, visit www.sandelcenter.com or call 410-266-7120.
Q: Short of surgery, are there things that can be done for the sagging skin on my face?
A: There are numerous treatment options available for this common concern, both surgical and nonsurgical. While surgery is the only real option for removing and lift ing redundant skin, it usually doesn’t require a full facelift procedure. If improving skin texture and fi rmness is your goal, there are nonsurgical treatment options. Th e Lumenis fractionated CO2 laser skin rejuvenation procedure is the treatment of choice. Th is procedure provides exceptional, consistent results with only one treatment. Sagging skin can create folds and wrinkles around the mouth and cheeks. Th ese folds can be reduced by using injectable fi llers such as Perlane, Restylane and Juvederm. Radiesse is another injectable fi ller that works best to provide volume to the midface and is sometimes termed or referred to as a “liquid facelift .”
— Henry Sandel, MD, FACS, The Sandel Center for Facial Plastic Surgery