Nanticoke River Jamboree
Handsell National Register Historic Site 4835 Indiantown Road, Vienna, Maryland 2121869
The Nanticoke River Jamboree -- Dorchester County's largest living history event -- will be held at historic Handsell in Vienna, Marylan d on Saturday, October 12, 10am to 5pm.
This fun-filled celebration for the whole family features performers and historical re-enactors, de monstrations, traditional 18th and 19th-century crafts, puppeteers an d puppet-making, kite flying, Native American culture, musical ente rtainment, and food and refreshments.
You can also tour the Hands ell house -- open only a couple of times a year to the public until its restoration is complete. The Native American longhouse will als o be open.
Admission is $4 per person; children under 12 are f ree. View the complete schedule of performances and exhibitors at www.nan .
The Jamboree happens at the hi storic Handsell site on Indiantown Road, north of Vienna. DI RECTIONS: From Route 50, take the exit for Vienna (Route 33 1 North) near the Nanticoke River Bridge. Turn left at end of ramp. Take first right onto Indiantown Road. (^'Scenic Maryland^' sign is here). Road makes sharp turn to left, follow over the Chicone Creek bridge, up the hill. Hand sell will appear on your right in the field, about a q uarter-mile down the road.