Goshen Farm 7th Annual Fall Open House
Historic Goshen Farm & Educational Center 1420 Cape St. Claire Road, Annapolis, Maryland 21409
Gather family and friends and come to Goshen Farm on September 14th from 10am until 4pm for the 7th Annual Fall Open House. The Farm is located at 1420 Cape St. Claire Road, Annapolis 21409.
Admission is FREE although donations are gladly accepted.
Tour and be intrigued by the configuration of the Farm House built in 1783; visit the new Pollinator Garden and Monarch Waystation which feature several hundred native plants; reflect in the Henson-Hall Slave Garden about the produce grown by enslaved people who lived and labored on the property; check the Hoop House for peppers slated for distribution to local food banks; admire the variety of vegetables growing in the Sharing Garden; learn the sweet pleasures of beekeeping and purchase honey for tea, toast, and cookies; marvel at the newly renovated shallow water wildlife pond.
Dick Arnold, The Butterfly Whisperer, will have a fascinating display of live Monarch eggs, caterpillars, chrysalis, and newborn butterflies to be tagged and released.
The Maryland Agriculture Education Foundation's Ag on the Moo-ve will have colorful displays; exhibits; and exciting, hands-on, tabletop activities for children of all ages, all stressing the importance of agriculture.
Master Gardeners will be present to discuss the Bay-Wise Program and educate the Goshen Farm guests about effective and sustainable landscaping practices. The Master Gardeners offer landscaping problem-solving through demonstrations, clinics, projects, partnerships, and outreach activities.
The Cape St. Claire Volunteer Fire Department will proudly display its off-road Wildland Fire Engine, used to fight brush fires. This Fire Engine is able to maneuver on difficult, rough terrain. If a brush fire occurs, the Fire Engine will leave Goshen Farm and fight the wildfire!
Hamburgers, hot dogs, barbeque, home-made desserts, water, and soft drinks are available for purchase.
Children’s activities to enjoy; open spaces to roam; woodland paths to walk – children of all ages will enjoy exploring Goshen Farm.
Family, Friends, Fun, Food = a Fantastic Day at the Farm
Details at www.GoshenFarm.org OR www.facebook.com/GoshenFarm.org.