Maryland Rod & Reef Slam
Annapolis, MD Annapolis, Maryland

Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Maryland 2024 Rod & Reef Slam
Join us for a unique fishing event that celebrates restored oyster reefs and the difference they make for healthy, diverse populations of Chesapeake Bay reef fish, sponsored by Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Chesapeake Oyster Alliance, and Coastal Conservation Association Maryland.
The Rod & Reef Slam fishing tournament is unlike any other. You don't just win by catching the biggest fish. To celebrate the vast biodiversity oyster reefs support, prizes are instead awarded for how many different species you catch (and release), including invasives. Anglers of all skill levels fish on a multitude of restored reef locations throughout Maryland's portion of the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and record their catches in the tournament app.
Then, on September 15 at 12pm, join us for an award ceremony and after party on the beach of CBF's Philip Merrill Center in Annapolis. Tickets for just the party are available. All ages welcome.
Learn more here: