Master Your Emotions and Conquer PTSD!
Online via Zoom Annapolis, Maryland
Christine Hunt
Get help with these and other health and wellness issues with EFT/Tapping
June is National PTSD Awareness Month.
PTSD reactions occur because something that is happening in the present subconsciously reminds you of a similar traumatic experience from the past and you are triggered to react the same way. Think of a combat veteran who ducks for cover when they hear fireworks. When they hear the explosion, they immediately revert back to reliving the memory of a battle when there were similar sounds.
It isn’t just the person with PTSD that is living with it, but all those with whom they come in contact, including loved ones, friends, co-workers and even people they meet casually in the everyday course of life.
In honor of those who struggle with PTSD, I wanted to share this FREE workshop that could help you find immediate relief.
This month’s Master Your Emotions online workshop will address how stress and #PTSD are directly linked. PTSD is a symptom of traumatic experiences, and trauma is stressful.
We will explore this connection and how you can find some relief for it and other health and wellness problems at Master Your Emotions on Tuesday, June 13th at 7 p.m. EDT - all without DIETS, DOCTORS, DRUGS or LONG-TERM THERAPY!
Register now here:
Are you struggling with PTSD, managing a chronic health condition, pain, or stress?
Are you fed up with scheduling your life around taking pills, seeing doctors, adapting to yet another lifestyle change and you don’t see an end to it?
Wouldn’t you love to find a solution that really works without diets, doctors, drugs or long-term therapies? You can with a different approach.
Master Your Emotions will help Stop your Struggle!
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Why emotions? Because thoughts and the related emotions have tremendous power and they can directly impact your body and your health!
Do you feel trapped in negative thought patterns like anger, fear, sadness, grief and shame because of things that happened to you? What has been unfair in your life? When did you not get your way? Do you still feel angry about it? Were you bullied or had an accident or other situation where you were afraid of getting hurt or maybe even dying? Have you lost a loved one and you are feeling sad and grieving? Do you regret something that you said or did and now you feel ashamed? Then you are living with these memories and their emotional impact on you every day of your life. These situations might have created beliefs like “I’m not good enough” or “Nothing ever works out for me” that can affect many of the actions and thoughts that you have.
When you think of the times when you felt angry, afraid, sad or ashamed, do you feel it in your body? How intense is that memory when you recall it? If it is at least a 5 on a 0-10 scale, then it has an emotional charge that is affecting your health, weight and your life.
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Master your Emotions, and take back control of your life, your health, reduce pain, stress and lose weight for good!
In this free, Master Your Emotions workshop I will introduce you to EFT, a powerful, alternative therapy that gets incredible results and helps you grow into a new awakening of the mind/body connection. You will be propelled into a greater sense of personal wholeness, and begin to break free of all the negative, self-destructive thoughts and emotions that sabotage your health.
EFT will help you get unstuck and put you on the launch pad of a better, healthier, pain-free life.
Scientific support:
Clinical studies are showing that when long-held negative thoughts and emotions are shifted and neutralized then healing can begin.
A study of Iraq war veterans with PTSD showed that between 6-10 one-hour sessions of EFT, also known as Tapping, their symptoms were reduced to the point that they not longer met the clinical criteria for PTSD.
If EFT can do that for them, think of what it can do for your PTSD, weight problem, chronic illness or pain?
Register here now:
Meet your coach:
Christine Hunt is a Life Wellness Coach, Certified EFT Practitioner, speaker and founder of Hunt for Hope Wellness. She discovered the healing power of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), also known as Tapping, and transformed her own life from one burdened with low self-esteem, financial lack and chronic illness to a life of joy, success, personal satisfaction and wellness.
Her methods are so effective, that her clients reach new heights in creativity and productivity along with deeper peace and relaxation in their personal and professional lives. They call her The Miracle Worker.
Christine helps relieve the silent struggle with stress, weight and chronic illness, by helping you overcome the actual, root causes of your emotional and physical distress, so you can experience the satisfaction of looking and feeling great, focusing your time and energy on activities you enjoy and live in a life and body you love.
In wellness,
Christine Hunt
Life Wellness Coach
Hunt for Hope Wellness
Register now:
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