Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival XLII
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum 213 N Talbot S, Saint Michaels, Maryland 21663

CBMM’s waterfront will be filled with unique watercraft and their passionate owners and builders at Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival XLII on Friday-Sunday, Oct. 3-5.
You’re invited to marvel at the craftsmanship and innovation showcased through these vessels alongside hundreds of small craft enthusiasts at one of the nation’s largest gatherings of its kind. Now in its 42nd year, this family-friendly festival runs 10am-5pm all three days.
Register as a participant to bring your vessel and gain access to the full slate of events throughout the weekend. All other guests can enjoy the festival with general admission, which is valid for two consecutive days.
CBMM members save $25 on participant registration and receive free entrance to the festival as part of their free general admission throughout the year.
This edition of MASCF will feature dozens of small craft, including sailing skiffs, rowing shells, kayaks, canoes, paddle boats, prams, and one-of-a-kind boats, with many of them in the water.
It’s also a great opportunity to meet small craft owners from around the region, including members of the Traditional Small Craft Association, to ask questions about their vessels and boating experiences.
Don’t miss the chance to see these unique vessels in action that afternoon with a race on the Miles River. Guests are encouraged to watch the friendly competition from CBMM’s waterfront and docks.
Everyone on campus for MASCF will be able to vote for their favorite boat, with the People’s Choice award and others announced among participants on Saturday evening. Limited offerings will be available for the public to see on Sunday.
For safety reasons, non-service dogs must be kept at home during CBMM festivals, including the Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival.