By Kimberly Cooper // Photos by Tony Lewis, Jr.
Broadneck Grill
br1364 Cape St. Claire Road, Annapolis
brbrHeading to Mexico for some authentic, tasty cuisine isn’t exactlybran option at a moment’s notice, but you can enjoy a genuinebrexperience at the Broadneck Grill in Annapolis. Owner DonnabrDuran and her trusted chef Venustiano Bravo serve deliciousbrMexican dishes and frosty, refreshing drinks. Using the freshestbringredients possible, Broadneck turns out fajitas as if the worldbrwould end tomorrow. Duran shares her recipe for steak fajitas, asbrwell as their philosophy on food and dining.
Tell us a little bit about the Broadneck Grill. What was thebrdecision-making process for incorporating Mexican dishesbrinto the menu?
brWe decided to add Mexican cuisine when we took over BroadneckbrGrill 20 years ago. I am very fortunate to have my chef VenustianobrBravo from Puebla, Mexico, to create authentic dishes frombrhis hometown. He has been at Broadneck Grill since day one,brmore than 20 years, creating delicious Mexican dishes and alsobrcontemporary cuisine. I also have a phenomenal kitchen staff that isbrthe engine of the whole operation. Most of my employees have beenbrwith me for years.
What is the most popular item on your menu?
brSteak Fajitas are one of our most popular dishes. We have had thembron the menu since we opened Broadneck Grill. We also featurebrchicken and shrimp fajitas. Fajitas are popular for several reasons:brThey are bursting with flavor and fresh ingredients, are cooked tobrorder, and can be a good selection for our guests that are watchingbrtheir diet and/or are gluten free. Just request corn tortillas instead ofbrfl our for a gluten-free dish.
What do you view as more important: organic or localbringredients?
brOne of the keys to the success of Broadneck Grill is that we usebrfresh ingredients to prepare our dishes and desserts. We prepbrevery day to ensure the freshest product possible for our guestsbrwhile keeping our prices affordable so our guests can frequentbrour restaurant a couple times a week. We feature Fajita Nite everybrThursday; fajitas are on discount for $12.95.
What is your most important rule in the kitchen?
brThe most important rule in the kitchen is to follow recipes tobrensure consistency in all our dishes.
Where do you find inspiration for your dishes?
brI am always reading cooking magazines to get new ideas. I also likebrto venture into cities—New York, Philly, Baltimore, D.C.—to trybrnew restaurants and see what everyone else is doing to stay fresh andbrcurrent.
How did this dish originate?
brThe word “faja” is Spanish for belt, strip, sash, or band. Fajitasbrare a Tex-Mex dish that originated in the 1930s with the ranchbrhands of Texas that were given scraps—strips of beef (mostly skirtbrsteak)—which they grilled with vegetables. About 1982 is whenbrfajitas started to boom and by 1984, skirt steak sales was at an all-timebrhigh due to fajita sales.
What wine or drink pairs best with it?
brOur famous margarita, sangria, or a cold Corona pairs perfectlybrwith fajitas.
Serves 10
brbr5 pounds of skirt steak, trimmed
br3 large peppers
br3 large onions
br3 large tomatoes
Fajita Marinade:
br3/4 to 1 cup olive oil
br1/4 cup soy sauce
br1/4 cup Montreal steak seasoning
br1/4 cup paprika
br1 Tbsp. garlic
br3-4 ounces pineapple juice
Mix all ingredients until a paste is formed. Trim the skirt steakbrremoving all fat (the most important step, don’t cut corners and skipbrthis step). Rub marinade onto skirt steak and marinate overnight.brIt's very important not to over-marinate; the meat will get mushy.brGrill to desired temperature with sliced green peppers, onions, andbrtomatoes. Serve with tortillas, guacamole, Pico de Gallo, sour cream,brMexican rice, and black beans. Serve sizzling on a cast iron skillet forbrthe full experience.
br3 avocados
br1/2 bunch of cilantro
br1/2 medium onion, diced
br1/2 jalapeño, diced
brJuice of 2 limes
br2 teaspoons pepper
br2 teaspoons salt
brCombine all ingredients until mixed well.
Pico de Gallo:
br3 cups diced tomatoes with juice
br1/8 cup lemon juice
br1 medium onion, diced
br1 bunch cilantro
br2 teaspoons of the following:
brSalt, Black Pepper, Oregano, Garlic Powder,brCoriander, Cumin
brCombine all ingredients well in a bowl.
Broadneck Grill
br1364 Cape St. Claire Road, Annapolis
brbrHeading to Mexico for some authentic, tasty cuisine isn’t exactlybran option at a moment’s notice, but you can enjoy a genuinebrexperience at the Broadneck Grill in Annapolis. Owner DonnabrDuran and her trusted chef Venustiano Bravo serve deliciousbrMexican dishes and frosty, refreshing drinks. Using the freshestbringredients possible, Broadneck turns out fajitas as if the worldbrwould end tomorrow. Duran shares her recipe for steak fajitas, asbrwell as their philosophy on food and dining.
Tell us a little bit about the Broadneck Grill. What was thebrdecision-making process for incorporating Mexican dishesbrinto the menu?
brWe decided to add Mexican cuisine when we took over BroadneckbrGrill 20 years ago. I am very fortunate to have my chef VenustianobrBravo from Puebla, Mexico, to create authentic dishes frombrhis hometown. He has been at Broadneck Grill since day one,brmore than 20 years, creating delicious Mexican dishes and alsobrcontemporary cuisine. I also have a phenomenal kitchen staff that isbrthe engine of the whole operation. Most of my employees have beenbrwith me for years.
What is the most popular item on your menu?
brSteak Fajitas are one of our most popular dishes. We have had thembron the menu since we opened Broadneck Grill. We also featurebrchicken and shrimp fajitas. Fajitas are popular for several reasons:brThey are bursting with flavor and fresh ingredients, are cooked tobrorder, and can be a good selection for our guests that are watchingbrtheir diet and/or are gluten free. Just request corn tortillas instead ofbrfl our for a gluten-free dish.
What do you view as more important: organic or localbringredients?
brOne of the keys to the success of Broadneck Grill is that we usebrfresh ingredients to prepare our dishes and desserts. We prepbrevery day to ensure the freshest product possible for our guestsbrwhile keeping our prices affordable so our guests can frequentbrour restaurant a couple times a week. We feature Fajita Nite everybrThursday; fajitas are on discount for $12.95.
What is your most important rule in the kitchen?
brThe most important rule in the kitchen is to follow recipes tobrensure consistency in all our dishes.
Where do you find inspiration for your dishes?
brI am always reading cooking magazines to get new ideas. I also likebrto venture into cities—New York, Philly, Baltimore, D.C.—to trybrnew restaurants and see what everyone else is doing to stay fresh andbrcurrent.
How did this dish originate?
brThe word “faja” is Spanish for belt, strip, sash, or band. Fajitasbrare a Tex-Mex dish that originated in the 1930s with the ranchbrhands of Texas that were given scraps—strips of beef (mostly skirtbrsteak)—which they grilled with vegetables. About 1982 is whenbrfajitas started to boom and by 1984, skirt steak sales was at an all-timebrhigh due to fajita sales.
What wine or drink pairs best with it?
brOur famous margarita, sangria, or a cold Corona pairs perfectlybrwith fajitas.
Serves 10
brbr5 pounds of skirt steak, trimmed
br3 large peppers
br3 large onions
br3 large tomatoes
Fajita Marinade:
br3/4 to 1 cup olive oil
br1/4 cup soy sauce
br1/4 cup Montreal steak seasoning
br1/4 cup paprika
br1 Tbsp. garlic
br3-4 ounces pineapple juice

br3 avocados
br1/2 bunch of cilantro
br1/2 medium onion, diced
br1/2 jalapeño, diced
brJuice of 2 limes
br2 teaspoons pepper
br2 teaspoons salt
brCombine all ingredients until mixed well.
Pico de Gallo:
br3 cups diced tomatoes with juice
br1/8 cup lemon juice
br1 medium onion, diced
br1 bunch cilantro
br2 teaspoons of the following:
brSalt, Black Pepper, Oregano, Garlic Powder,brCoriander, Cumin
brCombine all ingredients well in a bowl.