"Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story" follows the incredible three-year music career of one of rock 'n' roll's pioneers, Buddy Holly - culminating in his final concert at the Surf Ballroom in Iowa on Fe uary 3, 1959. Tragically killed in a plane crash that also claimed the lives of Ritchie Valens and "Big Bopper" J.P. Richardson, Holly was later immortalized in Don McLean's anthem "American Pie." "Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story" is a cele ation of the man, his music, and his life that captures his unique mixture of innocence and determination while featuring many of his greatest hits.
The show runs Thursdays through Sundays from Aug. 5 to Sept. 5. Tickets cost $18. Visit www.summergarden.com for the theatre and www.reynoldstavern.org for the restaurant.