It had me wondering. How accurate are these food trend predictions?
I took a look back at predicted food trends of 2010, just to see if they were on the money. This article predicted local food, wine, and beer, which has definitely risen in popularity in the past year, especially in our area. Black garlic, though? I can't say I've seen that one. An LA Times story predicted comfort food (yes), local food (yes), street food (yes, but not here in Annapolis), and planet-conscious eating (yes).
OK, so the predicted food trends panned out for 2010 (Though it rises the question—Did the prediction spur on the trend? That's another thought entirely), which means we can probably take these predictions seriously. Hey, I wouldn't mind pie being trendy, so this is alright by me.
Some other predictions that I might be up for:
— More vegetarian fare. "Meatless Mondays" has made headway in home-cooking, and it's likely restaurants will jump on that bandwagon. Maybe more people will learn that vegetarian food can be delicious?
— Inspiration from Swedish food. Apparently this Scandinavian country will soon have its cuisine served at more than Ikea. Given the love of the home-decor store's Swedish meatballs, this one could really take off.
— One-ingredient restaurants. Freeman discussed the possibility of a peanut butter restaurant. This already exists. In more than one location. Sorry, Freeman, no one can get it right all the time.
— Popsicles. Apparently pies aren't the only dessert making a comeback. Oddly enough, we discussed this possible trend in a Mixing Bowl post a while back.