I'm really intrigued by this. From a business standpoint, it makes sense. While Starbucks is often open late into the night, it's likely their business drops off majorly in the afternoon hours. It's already a place where people gather to chat, have meetings, and relax, so this could just solidify its standpoint as a meeting place in the community. Additionally, it already kind of has a upscale bar-like feel, so just opening up some chairs right next to the baristas will just give it that push to become a bar completely.
Starbucks likely needs a booster shot after being hit by the recession. In 2008, the company closed 600 stores, including Annapolis' Park Place location and one in Easton. (However, there are still seven Starbucks locations in Annapolis city limits, if you include the kiosks at retail locatinos) In a list of how to save money " ing coffee from home" was usually first on the list. Even those who didn't switch to home ews often decided to purchase cheaper cups of joe, especially because Dunkin' Donuts and McDonalds have been making a push to promote their coffee as higher-end ews.
However, as with Starbucks' coffee, such is with its alcohol—don't expect a bargain-priced glass of wine here. According to USA Today, you could spend up to $9 a glass if and when this concept makes it way to our area of the country.
Read more about Starbucks' plans at USA Today.
— Kelsey "caffeine-addict" Collins, kcollins@whatsupmag.com