rHealth care is as important when you are growing older as when you were growing up. Health care is more than just seeing a doctor when you’re sick. It involves yearly “wellness” exams from the same provider who keeps a continuous record of your heart’s strength; blood pressure; immunizations; eye, ear, and oral health; weight and eating habits; and tests and screening results.r
Getting regular health exams can prevent problems before they start. Your provider will address your health issues and concerns. Ask about issues concerning pain; fatigue; sexual health; mood; sleep, and body and skin changes.
rChase Brexton Health Services in Easton offers comprehensive, affordable health care for adults. From annual check-ups to caring for chronic diseases, make Chase Brexton your health care home. Make your appointment today.
Chase - Brexton Health Services
r300 Talbot Street
Easton, MD 21601
410-837-2050 or