Dr. Sarraf was nominated by Colonel and Mrs. John Hyatt, USMC (Ret'd), for the care he provided Col. Hyatt during a past stay at Memorial Hospital at Easton. Col. Hyatt, at that point a smoker for approximately 50 years, had admittedly tried everything to quit smoking and had failed. Upon being discharged from the hospital, Dr. Sarraf met with Col. Hyatt to review his discharge paperwork and encouraged him to give up the habit of smoking cigarettes, which he did from that day forward. Having been smoke-free for many years now, Col. Hyatt and his wife wanted to recognize Dr. Sarraf for the impact that he made on their lives. When asked about the encouragement that Dr. Sarraf offered him, Col. Hyatt commented, “After that day, I never had another cigarette and I never wanted another one; that was 8 years ago. He truly is my Everyday Hero!”
The Everyday Hero Program provides patients and their family members an opportunity to thank a Shore Health System physician, employee or volunteer by making a financial donation to the Memorial Hospital Foundation in their name. The Memorial Hospital Foundation uses these donations to support Shore Health System in continuing its mission of delivering exceptional care, every day. For more information about recognizing an Everyday Hero, contact the Memorial Hospital Foundation at 410-822-1000, ext. 5481.
Cele ating Dr. Haider Sarraf's recognition as an Everyday Hero are (from left to right) F. Graham Lee, Vice President of Philanthropy, Shore Health System; Mrs. Jennie Hyatt; Dr. Sarraf; Col. John Hyatt; and Michael C. Tooke, MD, FACP, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Shore Health System.