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Ray Hobson, CFP® | Simple & unbiased financial advice in a complicated financial world.
At HF Advisory Group, always expect simple unbiased financial advice.
We give our clients real individualized attention. Every family has a different idea of what their financial goals are and how they want to get there. We tailor plans to each of our clients’ specific needs. As a fiduciary, we are obligated to give you wealth management advice that is in your best interest. We follow a seven-step plan with all of our clients.
1. Gather data 2. Set goals 3. Analyze data 4. Create the Plan 5. Present recommendations 6. Implement the plan 7. Monitor the plan
Step Six, “Implement the plan” is the most important part of the financial planning process. Meeting with a financial advisor to gather, analyze data, & make a plan will only be successful if the plan is executed.
We help our clients through every step of the process. We want you to know we’re here to support you in all stages of your wealth-management journey. That includes getting to — and across — the finish line of accomplishing your financial goals.
166 Defense Highway, Suite 102 Annapolis, MD 21401 | 410-571-1415 www.hfadvisorygroup.com
Representing HF Advisory Group, LLC. A Registered Investment Advisor – Annapolis – MD