rThe House legislation, introduced Friday, is sponsored by 83 delegates—including Speaker of the House Michael Busch, Economic Matters Committee chairman Dereck Davis, and vice-chair David Rudolph.
The Senate legislation carries 32 sponsors—a clear majority of the Senate.
The legislation is based on the most common practices of the states that allow direct shipping of wine nationwide.
The Office of the Comptroller’s comprehensive “Direct Wine Shipping Study” surveyed 37 jurisdictions that currently allow direct shipping and polled Maryland alcohol licensees and consumers.
“With the Comptroller’s direct shipping study conclusively debunking all of the myths around this issue, especially underage access, the bill is cleared for passage,” said Kevin Atticks, executive director of the Maryland Wineries Association.
“Maryland consumers should be proud of the legislation introduced this week by Sen. Raskin and Del. Ivey,” said John Hesse, Executive Director of Marylanders for Better Beer & Wine Laws. “Responsible Maryland adults want to order domestic and imported wines from wineries and retailers just as they do other consumer products. This legislation as it stands will finally ing Maryland into the 21st Century.”
“Adult consumers in 37 states and the District of Columbia already have the right to receive wines of their choice by direct shipment following the laws of their states,” said Terri Cofer Beirne of the Wine Institute. “Wine Institute supports the thoughtful recommendation of Maryland's Comptroller to allow adults in Maryland the same privilege.”
“The state’s wineries fully support this bill and are anxious to start shipping their Maryland-made products to the thousands of winery visitors who ask for this service each year,” Atticks said.
The bill is endorsed by the Maryland Wineries Association, Wine Merchants Association of Maryland, Wine Institute, Marylanders for Better Beer and Wine Laws and the Maryland Farm Bureau.