rMARC SALEM – “Mentalist”
Wednesday, January 19th – 7pm. $25
Avalon Theatre, Easton MD
Box Office: 410.822.7299
Enjoy challenging yourself with some mind games once in a while? Perhaps some “mental gymnastics”, which you self-help junkies already know are great for the adult mind to stay in top shape, decreasing the chance for conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease later in life? Well, a wonderful opportunity to put that ain to work in a highly entertaining way presents itself Wednesday, January 19th at 7pm as master of nonverbal communication Marc Salem ings his highly acclaimed show Mind Games to the Avalon Theatre.
Van Gelder of the New York Times writes, "Hide your thoughts! Marc Salem is in town!" And Clive Barnes of the New York Post boasts, "Catch his fabulous show. MIND GAMES is illiantly entertaining."
Salem has been a student of the human mind for more than 30 years. As an academic he holds advanced degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and New York University, and has been on faculty of several major universities for close to two decades. He is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on non-verbal communication, focusing on how the mind creates reality and meaning. Interestingly enough, he has also served as a director of research at Sesame Street, studying the development and nature of the mental process. As an entertainer, Salem has performed around the world, astounding and entertaining millions. His show Mind Games concluded two extended runs on Broadway to both critical and popular acclaim. The Sydney Opera House, the Edinburgh Festival, and Singapore's Esplanade have also hosted extended runs of the production.
He’s no stranger to television either, having been featured on shows such as The O'Reilly Factor, CNN, Regis & Kelly, and a recent profile by Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes.
Not intrigued yet? Check this out.
Salem asks: How much do you communicate without words? Start by imagining a conversation and thinking about what things you use besides words to communicate. Does your facial expression, posture, and/or gestures show what you mean? How about the way you say your words: your intonation, volume? According to A. Barbour's Louder Than Words: Nonverbal Communication, verbal communication comprises only a small part of how we relate to each other. In fact, Barbour says the verbal aspect of communication accounts for a mere 7% of our message.
Salem not only is aware of this, but leaves his audience in awe as he demonstrates (careful: you may be chosen to demonstrate on stage!) his knowledge of human communication cues. Fans of hit television series such as Lie To Me and The Mentalist should be enthralled with Mind Games.
The Avalon’s Box Office still has tickets for sale and can be reached by calling 410.822.7299, or online at avalontheatre.com.