Seventeen-year-old Rachel was pregnant and alone. “When I first found out I was pregnant I was really scared. I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t excited at all. Finding out you are pregnant is supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life, but for me it wasn’t. I was against abortion, but I felt like that was my only choice. I actually went to Planned Parenthood three times to schedule an abortion, but I couldn’t go through with it.”
After visiting Choices Pregnancy Center in Easton, Rachel found out that she had more than just one option. The center did a free pregnancy test and then Rachel was given the information she needed to make a truly informed decision that was right for her. From the counseling session Rachel gained insights about the medical and surgical abortion procedures and their risks. She was also informed about prenatal development and about her other options: parenting and adoption.
A non-profit agency which relies solely on donations for financial support, Choices offers women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy true choice, without any manipulation, pressure, or judgment. Serving five counties in the mid shore area for over 25 years, Choices offers free and confidential services which include pregnancy and STD testing, sonograms and educational counseling to both mother and father. Many of the women seen at Choices are in need of obtaining medical, legal, and financial support services. Choices makes referrals as needed to trusted organizations in the community. For those new mothers in need, Choices provides prenatal vitamins, baby clothes, diapers, formula, and other essentials.”
After finding Choices, Rachel wondered “Why are these people so nice? There must be a catch. My counselor sent me emails and text messages of support and encouragement, and gave me clothes and presents for the baby. I came to the conclusion that God gave me this baby for a reason, and if He didn’t think I could handle mother-hood, He wouldn’t have given me this child. I am so glad I made the decision to have my daughter because she is beautiful and the best baby in the world, and I love her. Choices was a big reason why I made that decision.”
The clinic’s medical director is Dr. John Hurley M.D., who heads a team of nurses and licensed sonographers. The counseling center is run by a team of certified pregnancy counselors, some of whom have themselves faced the tough decisions of an unplanned pregnancy, and for some, abortion was their decision. Executive Director Sharon Finecey is one person who regretted her decision to abort. “I had an abortion at the age of 17 and have paid the toll my entire life. I wish I had had more information and more honesty about the options available to me. I was very uninformed as to the long-term physical and emotional effects of abortion, and the real medical dangers. The shame, guilt and depression was long lasting. I did not realize how deeply I had buried my pain.” For women wishing to heal and recover from their past abortions, Choices offers a group class which leads to lasting healing. Additionally, Choices offers mentoring services for young men in the community, teaching them about the responsibilities of being a father.
Choices Pregnancy Center exists to help women know and under-stand all their pregnancy options. Services are free, confidential, and professional. Call 410-822-3311 to make an appointment. Visit us online at