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Photography by Erin Valentine
Scenic Rivers Board President Joan Renner (left) and board member Edmee Geis (right).
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Photography by Erin Valentine
Volunteers Julianna Felkoski and Bob Green.
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Photography by Erin Valentine
(Back row) Jason Valentine, Amelia Valentine, Beth Valentine, and Linda Green. (Front row) Miles Valentine, Sam Valentine, and Teddy Valentine.
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Photography by Erin Valentine
Hikers David and Karolina Mandell.
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Photography by Erin Valentine
Scenic Rivers Land Trust Executive Director Sarah Knebel (left) and Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks Director Jessica Leys (right)
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Photography by Erin Valentine
The Ryder Family after a day of hiking in Bacon Ridge Natural Area. (Back row) Micah and Christina Ryder; (front row) Yael and Talia Ryder.
On April 30th, Scenic Rivers Land Trust, in partnership with Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks, celebrated the 17th Walk for the Woods at the Bacon Ridge Natural Area in Crownsville. The annual day of guided hikes promotes the joy of protected land, families exploring the outdoors, and the value of Bacon Ridge Natural Area, the permanently protected county-owned property full of forests, wetlands, wildlife, and history. Nearly 300 participants, including families, hikers, and outdoor enthusiasts, turned out over the course of the day to explore the 1,000-plus acre natural area and enjoy various nature programs on site. For more information about SRLT, visit srlt.org.
Photography by Erin Valentine