So after about a hundred incarnations of possible save-the-dates, I came up with the idea to incorporate David's obsession with movie quotes into our save-the-date. I also took a cue from his very-favoritest (not a word, I know) movie, The Princess Bride, for the first quote: "This is true love. Do you think this happens every day?"
The back, which is not as exciting, let our guests know which movies the quotes are from.
Looking at this, I can see it's actually an old version of this design because there are remnants of blue on it and the quote attributions are not right. Yes, even this save-the-date went through the redesign process a couple times. In fact, the first time around, I was going to go with a completely different color scheme.
As you can see in this early version, the color scheme is different, the wording is different, and even a couple of quotes are different. There wasn't a rhyme or reason to choose pink, blue, and green for this other than I liked the colors. In the 11th hour, though, I decided it made more sense to use our burgundy and black and white damask for the save-the-date to keep everything cohesive.
So the moral of this save-the-date story—designing your own paper products is NOT always easier. Designing and sending out these took at least three months and multiple revisions before we finalized the design.
For more tips on designing your own save-the-dates, please visit a previous blog post about the process.
If you want to know which movies the quotes are actually from, here's a list:
1. The Princess Bride
2. Love Actually
3. Casper
4. When Harry Met Sally
5. Crazy/Beautiful
6. Moulin Rouge