In a cute little tote or baket, put together an emergency kit that can fix anything from bad breath to a stained dress. Hopefully you won't need it, but as the saying goes -- better safe than sorry.
r- r
- Small sewing kit that includes white thread, small scissors and a safety pin r
- Lipstick for touchups r
- Clear nail polish for stoking runs r
- Fingernail clippers for a pesky hangnail r
- Earring backs r
- Bobby pins r
- Hairspray to make sure that strand stays where it's supposed to r
- Eye drops for reducing redness, especially after tearing up during the ceremony r
- Anti-nausea pills and headache medicine for any unexpected illness r
- Bandaids in case a glass breaks or the bride cuts herself shaving r
- Mints or gum so the bride smells minty fresh during the big kiss r
- Tissues for mom and grandma's tears r
- Bottle of water in case the tap water isn't drinkable r
- Lint Brush to make sure Fluffy's hair is brushed aside r
- List of vendor's phone numbers r
- List of entire wedding party's phone numbers r
- List of taxi company phone numbers r
- List of all family phone numbers r
- Dental floss or toothpicks r
- Spot remover and/or club soda r
- Extra deodorant to stay smelling fresh r
- Bottle of perfume r
- Double-sided tape or hemming tape r
r- r
- Easy-to-eat snack so the bride doesn't feel faint. Pretzels or dried fruit are good options. r
- Krazy glue for broken heels, jewelry or any other assortment of accessories r
- Straws to drink water or other beverages without messing up your lipstick r
- Nail polish matching the bride's fingers and toes r
- Lotion r
- $20, just in case r
- Tampons or pads r
- Bug spray, if you are getting married in a mosquito-prone zone r
- Iron in case you have a sloppy bridesmaid r
- Some quarters for a parking meter or vending machine r
- Extra buttons in case one pops off r
- Flat shoes so you don't have to wear heels around the changing room r