You know what I'm talking about. The stuff you know you need to do -- order chair covers, buy idal party gifts, and so on -- but you thought "oh, I can do that next month" or "I'll wait until I get another paycheck."r
That time is here.
It's kind of scary, actually. Until now, my wedding seemed like it was something looming in the distance. I always had plenty of time to get things done. Not anymore! These nitty-gritty details are what makes a wedding personal...it's the things that perhaps not everyone will notice, but make a big difference (to me, anyway) in the end.
So you might have noticed my blog posts have become more and more infrequent -- that's because instead of writing about wedding planning, I'm actually out getting it done! For example, this weekend, I made my way to Trader Joe's and purchased a case of Two-Buck Chuck (which, to my delight, was actually $1.99 a bottle). A idesmaid and I scraped off the labels and attached these:
I apologize, my blogging program right now isn't really allowing me to resize photos! But I purchase these wine labels from Etsy Seller Magartsypartycrafts, and she did a great job.
Other things I've been doing: Ordering chair covers ($1.97 per cover at Linentablecloth.com, what a deal!), ordering my double strand of pearls (quite beautiful, if I do say so myself), and designing the programs for the ceremony. Those are still a work in progress.
The RSVPs are coming in, and it looks like we're going to have about 85 people at our wedding. This is a touch smaller than we originally anticipated, but the good news is that most of our nearest and dearest are making the trek to Arizona to spend the weekend with us.
As long as I can get through the next three and a half weeks, it seems like it's going to be a great day!