Why do you specialize in retirement distribution?
Most people spend 25 years of their working life accumulating assets in their IRA’s, 401(k)’s, ROTHs and Brokerage Accounts. This represents a distinct period in your financial life when you’re trying to accumulate wealth. As you’re getting in or near retirement, the accumulation phase becomes less important and you tend to focus more on preserving what you’ve worked so hard to accumulate and developing a strategy for the most efficient distribution for the next 25 years of your life. This requires careful planning and unique knowledge to not fall victim to the multiple dangers of the distribution phase such as longevity, inflation, taxes, market volatility, health risks and sequence of returns. I am passionate about helping retirees make this transition into retirement as seamlessly and as informed as possible, which is why I have centered my practice around specializing in retirement distribution.
Is the way retirees should invest to protect their portfolios changing?
Yes. Things are always evolving. Music has gone from vinyl to cassette to CDs to MP3 players. The telephone has gone from rotary to push-button to cordless to the cell phone. Investing has evolved as well from stocks to mutual funds to separately managed accounts to custom portfolio construction and diversification. The problem is many retirees portfolios look like vinyl or the rotary phone. Being diversified today means more than just stocks, bonds and cash. To help protect your money in today’s ever connected global economy you need to be diversified by company, by product, by tax benefit, by asset class and with real assets vs. paper assets. This strategy is called Advance and Protect.
Diversification and asset allocation strategies do not assure profit or protect against loss.