I have been representing divorce clients for over 25 years and believe it is important for people to understand that there are different approaches to divorce—including Negotiated Settlement, Traditional Litigation, Cooperative Settlement, Mediation, and Collaborative Law. Educating clients about the approaches to divorce, helping them choose which approach is right for them, and managing the chosen process is one of the most gratifying aspects of my work. Of course, no one approach is right for everyone, but many have found that Collaborative Practice is a welcome alternative to the destructive aspects of conventional divorce. With Collaborative Practice a team of skilled and compassionate professionals help you manage the legal issues, the emotional angst, the concerns for your children, and the financial and property questions. With this support you will feel more in control and better equipped to move through the divorce process.
To learn more, contact me at:
22 1/2 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
410-263-3660 | www.nancyweller.com