With hundreds of nonprofits based in Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, and the region, there are plenty of options from which to choose when mapping out your charitable giving agenda. Although we can’t list them all, here are more than a few nonprofits you should know. In addition to the charities listed herein, there are many additional service organizations—such as American Legion, BPO Elks, Lions Club, Moose Lodge, Optimist Club, and Rotary Club—that support the community with charitable and networking events.
100 Women WhoCare Annapolis
Annapolis; 100womenwhocareannapolis.com; A giving circle of local women who want to support Annapolis area nonprofits by pooling donations to create a larger impact.
21st Century Education Foundation, Inc.
Annapolis; 410-222-5370; 21st-education.org; Match the needs of the public schools of Anne Arundel County and the resources of surrounding businesses, industry, and community.
Alliance for theChesapeake Bay
Annapolis; 443-949-0575; allianceforthebay.org; Engages individuals, groups, businesses, and other environmental organizations and not-for-profit groups to develop collaborative solutions to improve, preserve, and protect the Chesapeake Bay and all its resources.
American DiabetesAssociation
Baltimore (regional office); 410-265-0075; diabetes.org; Funds research to prevent, cure, and manage diabetes as well as educate the public about diabetes.
American HeartAssociation
Baltimore (regional office); 410-685-7074; heart.org; Mission to create a world free of heart disease and stroke—a world where everyone can achieve the best possible health.
American Red Cross of Anne Arundel County/Central Maryland
410-624-2000; redcross-cmd.org; Respond to disasters, assist members of the military, teach lifesaving skills, and serve as one of the largest blood suppliers in the United States.
Annapolis Community Foundation
Annapolis; 443-854-9256; annapoliscommunityfoundation.org; ACF serves the community by raising, managing, and distributing funds for the charitable purposes designated by its donors.
Annapolis Green
Annapolis; 410-656-9420; https://annapolisgreen.com; Annapolis Green brings everyone together to create a healthy, thriving community and planet. Rather than focus on a single issue, Annapolis Green tackles a variety of challenges plaguing communities, motivating people to stand up for nature with programs that connect, inform, inspire and incite meaningful change.
Annapolis Immigration Justice Network
Annapolis; aijnetwork.org; All-volunteer organization with the mission of building relationships with our immigrant neighbors in the greater Annapolis area.
Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park
Annapolis; 410-295-0104; amaritime.org; Acquire, preserve, interpret, and exhibit artifacts, and photographic and archival collections that are part of the maritime history of the Chesapeake region.
Annapolis OperaCompany
Annapolis; 410-267-8135; annapolisopera.org; Foster singer development and opera education in our community.
Annapolis SummerGarden Theatre
Annapolis; 410-268-9212; summergarden.com; Bring community-lead stage productions to downtown Annapolis during the summer.
Annapolis Symphony Orchestra
Annapolis; 410-269-1132; annapolissymphony.org; Produce, present, and promote memorable symphonic music that increases awareness, enjoyment, and appreciation of music for all ages throughout the region.
Anne Arundel Community College Foundation
Arnold; 410-777-2515; aacc.edu/foundation; Solicits, receives, and administers private gifts, bequests, and donations to benefit students and to enhance the quality of teaching and learning at the college.
Anne Arundel County CASA
Annapolis; 410-267-7877; aacasa.org; Court Appointed Special Advocates’ mission is to advocate for and support abused and neglected children to ensure their right to safe, stable, and permanent homes.
Anne Arundel County Community Action Agency
Annapolis; 410-626-1900; aaccaa.org; Working in partnership with various governmental and non- public organizations to alleviate the difficulties that beset households with low-to-moderate incomes.
Anne Arundel County Food andResource Bank
Crownsville; 410-923-4255; aafoodbank.org; Assist those in need. It is a free resource bank and no fees are required for its assistance.
Anne Arundel County Library Foundation
Annapolis; 410-222-7371; libraryfirst.org; Provide a margin of excellence and innovation in library services, above and beyond what core government funding can provide.
Anne Arundel County Literacy Council
Annapolis; 410-269-4419; icanread.org; Provide free one-on-one tutoring in basic literacy and English as a Second Language (ESL) to adult residents of Anne Arundel County.
Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency
Annapolis; 410-222-7858; aamentalhealth.org; Coordinate a comprehensive array of services in the Public Mental Health System for Anne Arundel County residents.
Anne Arundel Medical Center Foundation
Annapolis; 443-481-4747; aahs.org/foundation; Enhance the health status of the people they serve by providing patients with compassionate, high quality services that will help alleviate pain, preserve health, and extend life.
Anne Arundel County Historical Society
Linthicum; 410-768-9518; aachs.org; Provide leadership in the preservation and exploration of shared history.
The Arc CentralChesapeake Region, Inc.
Severn; 410-269-1883; thearcccr.org; Advocate for the rights and respect of all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in Anne Arundel, Calvert, and all Eastern Shore counties.
The Arts Council of Anne Arundel County
Annapolis; 410-222-7949; https://www.acaac.org/; Encourage and invest in the visual arts, performing arts, and historic preservation for the people of our county; as well as well as create a financial support system for arts organizations.
Arundel Bay AreaChapter of Jack andJill of America, Inc.
Gambrills; 301-261-3471; abajjoa.clubexpress.com; Membership organization of mothers with children ages 2–19, dedicated to nurturing future African American leaders through leadership development, volunteer service, philanthropic giving, and civic duty.
Arundel House of Hope
Glen Burnie; 410-863-4888; arundelhoh.org; To provide emergency, transitional, and permanent housing with supportive services for the homeless of Anne Arundel County.
Arundel Lodge
Edgewater; 443-433-5900; arundellodge.org; Provide psychiatric rehabilitation services to Anne Arundel County adults with severe and persistent mental illness.
Arundel RiversFederation
Edgewater; 410-224-3802; arundelrivers.org; Uses science, restoration, and community action to make the South, West, and Rhode Rivers cleaner and healthier.
Assistance League of the Chesapeake
Millersville; 410-956-5826; alchesapeake.org; This volunteer organization is dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults through community-based philanthropic programs.
Ballet Theatre ofMaryland, Inc.
Annapolis; 410-263-8289; balletmaryland.org; Promote interest in and the enjoyment of the dance arts in Maryland.
Baltimore Washington Medical CenterFoundation
Glen Burnie; 410-553-8560; mybwmc.org; Provide the highest quality health care service to the community they serve.
Banneker-Douglass Museum
Annapolis; 410-216-6180; bdmuseum.com; The museum, named for Benjamin Banneker and Frederick Douglass, is dedicated to preserving Maryland’s African American heritage and serves as the state’s official repository of African American material culture.
Bello Machre
Glen Burnie; 443-702-3000; bellomachre.org; Dedicated to providing loving care, support, and services to children and adults with development disabilities either in the family’s own home or in a safe and caring Bello Machre home.
The Bernie House
Annapolis; 443-951-5193; theberniehouse.org; Single family transitional home for the non-offending parent and children who have left an abusive situation.
Box of RainFoundation, Inc.
Annapolis; 410-295-0104; amaritime.org/education; Teach life-building skills through maritime/boat building experiences for local youth-at-risk, targeting kids 9 to 14 years old, in honor of the memory of Lee Griffin.
Boy Scouts of America, Baltimore Area Council
Anne Arundel County; 443-573-2500; baltimorebsa.org; Prepare young people to make ethical choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County
Annapolis; 410-263-2542; bgcaa.com; Enable all young people, especially those who need the most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
Burrows HillFoundation to Fight Friedreich’s Ataxia
Annapolis; burrows-hill.org; Established to raise public awareness, money for research, find a cure, and assist those affected by FA.
Casey Cares Foundation
Baltimore; 443-568-0064; caseycares.org; Provides uplifting programs with a special touch for critically ill children and their families in eight states and D.C.
Charting Careers
Annapolis; chartingcareers.org; Ends the cycle of poverty in Annapolis by working individually with youth and their families while also addressing the systemic issues leading to poverty and inequities.
Chesapeake Arts Center
Brooklyn Park; 410-636-6597; chesapeakearts.org; Provides entertainment and education for adults and children including classes and workshops in visual and performing arts in dance, theatre, visual arts, and music.
Chesapeake BayFoundation, Inc.
Annapolis; 410-268-8816; cbf.org; Dedicated to the protection, restoration, and management of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Annapolis; 410-974-2941; chesapeakebaytrust.org; Provides grants to nonprofit organizations, community associations, civic groups, schools, and public agencies for citizen involvement projects relating to the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
ChesapeakeChildren’s Museum
Annapolis; 410-990-1993; theccm.org; Provides educational activities for children of all ages and income levels.
ChesapeakeEnvironmentalProtection Association
Galesville; 410-741-1014; cepaonline.org; Promotes good environmental practices through education and advocacy.
Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (C.R.A.B.)
Annapolis; 410-626-0273; crabsailing.org; Provides sailing opportunities for persons who traditionally have not had that option because of disability or economic circumstance.
Chesapeake Youth Symphony Orchestra
Arnold; 443-758-3157; cysomusic.org; Provides young musicians with comprehensive musical and orchestral training for elementary through college-age students.
Children’s Theatre of Annapolis, Inc.
Annapolis; 410-757-2281; childrenstheatreofannapolis.org; Provides arts education for 5-to 18-year-olds through performances, workshops, technical stage training, internships, and apprenticeships in the theatrical arts.
Chrysalis House
Crownsville; 410-974-6829; chrysalishouses.org; Offers substance use and mental health treatment to women around the state.
Colonial Players
Annapolis; 410-268-7373; thecolonialplayers.org; Provide entertainment, education, training, and encouragement to all members of the community interested in participating in the dramatic arts.
Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County
Annapolis; 410-280-1102; cfaac.org; Connects donors, nonprofits, and community leaders to strengthen our county through philanthropy, creating a healthier community today and for generations to come.
The CoordinatingCenter
Millersville; 410-987-1048; coordinatingcenter.org; Helps those with complex medical needs achieve a high-quality life.
Don & Sandy PyleCharity Foundation
Annapolis; 443-521-4998; birdeasepro.com; Raises money for local Maryland charities to carry on Don and Sandy Pyle’s legacy of charitable giving.
Downtown Annapolis Partnership
Annapolis; downtownannapolispartnership.org; Strengthen and sustain local businesses, recognizing that a vibrant and healthy business community is essential to the economic success of the city.
Ellie’s Bus
Anne Arundel County; elliesbus.org; Spread awareness of mental health issues and suicide prevention to teenagers across Maryland and across the country.
Food Link, Inc.
Annapolis; 410-897-3941; foodlinkmaryland.org; Fighting hunger in Anne Arundel County. No paperwork, no judgment, no rejections, and no waiting.
Foundation for Community Betterment
Arnold; 410-394-9868; communitybetterment.org; Network of generous individuals who believe a simple gesture that touches just one life can positively impact an entire community.
Four RiversHeritage Area
Annapolis; 410-222-1805; fourriversheritage.org; Protects and strengthens the natural, historic, and cultural resources of the Heritage Area.
Friends Foundation
Annapolis; friendsfoundation.com; Raises funds through group activities and events, which are distributed to local charities.
Friends of ArundelSeniors, Inc.
Annapolis; 410-222-4464; aacounty.org/; This all-volunteer assistance organization is dedicated to helping seniors and the disabled.
Friends of the Maryland State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Millersville; friendsmdlbph.org; Provides support and awareness of the Maryland State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
Gigi’s Playhouse
Annapolis; gigisplayhouse.org; Offers therapeutic, educational programs and tutoring for free, to support all ages, from families with a prenatal diagnosis through adult individuals with Down syndrome.
Girls on the Run of the Greater Chesapeake
Annapolis; 410-507-8369; gotrchesapeake.org; This nonprofit prevention program for girls in 3rd through 8th grade educates and prepares girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living.
Girl Scouts ofCentral Maryland
Anne Arundel County; 410-358-9711; gscm.org; Provide a place where girls are encouraged to share and explore their hopes and dreams. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.
Giving BackLinda’s Legacy
Severna Park; homelessdrive.org; Dedicated to helping the homeless and inspiring everyone to get more involved with volunteering.
Habitat for Humanityof the Chesapeake
Baltimore (regional office); 410-366-1250; habitatchesapeake.org; Works in partnership with families in need of housing to build simple, decent, and affordable homes.
Haley’s Helping Hands of Maryland
Annapolis; 443- 784- 8200; haleyshelpinghandsmd.org; Works with individuals in need of assistance by providing gently used clothing, shoes, and sports equipment.
Hammond-Harwood House
Annapolis; 410-263-4683; hammondharwoodhouse.com; To preserve for public education and enjoyment the architecturally significant Hammond-Harwood House museum and its collection of decorative and fine arts.
The Harbour School
Annapolis; 410-974-4248; harbourschool.org; Provides supportive, individualized education to students with learning disabilities, autism, speech impairments, and other disabilities.
Historic Annapolis
Annapolis; 410-267-7619; annapolis.org; Preserves the city’s architectural legacy and unique historic character for future generations—and for residents and visitors today.
Hope For All
Glen Burnie; 410-766-0372; hopeforall.us; Provides basic human necessities (i.e. furniture, housewares, clothing, and personal items) to families and individuals without sufficient economic resources.
Hope HouseTreatment Center
Crownsville; 410-923-6700; hopehousemd.org; Dedicated to providing men and women who are battling alcohol and drug addictions with the means to become healthy and productive citizens.
Hospice of theChesapeake
Pasadena; 410-987-2003; hospicechesapeake.org; Provides physical, psycho-social, and spiritual support services to individuals living with and affected by advanced illness.
Impact 100 Greater Chesapeake
Annapolis; impact100greaterchesapeake.org; Giving circle of women committed to making a lasting impact by collectively funding transformational grants and raising awareness of local charitable organizations.
Isabel’s Gift
Riva; 443-510-2673; isabelsgift.org; Assist families with children in the neonatal intensive care unit, providing them with comfort and supportive services.
James’ Place, Inc.
Ellicott City; 410-480-2334; jamesplaceinc.org; Raises funds to provide services to those with substance addiction and educates on the complex issues of substances.
Junior Leagueof Annapolis
Annapolis; 410-224-8984; jlannapolis.org; This organization of women is committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community.
Kunta Kinte-AlexHaley Foundation
Edgewater; 410-295-9395; kintehaley.org; Spreads Alex Haley’s vision of a world that celebrates ethnic diversity while honoring humankind’s common, universal experiences.
Langton Green
Annapolis; 410-263-3225; langtongreen.org; Helps people with developmental disabilities to live with the highest possible degree of independence and quality of life.
Leadership of Anne Arundel, Inc.
Annapolis; 410-571-9798; leadershipaa.org; Provides people of diverse backgrounds with the education, resources, and networks necessary to become successful, proactive leaders.
Leadership Maryland
Annapolis; 410-841-2101; leadershipmd.org; A uniquely talented network of informed leaders representing business, nonprofits, government, unions, and education to be a catalyst for positive change in Maryland.
Leslie’s Week
Annapolis; 410-263-5598; lesliesweek.org; Provides vacations away from cancer for Stage 4 Breast Cancer women and their families.
The Light House
Annapolis; 410-349-5056; annapolislighthouse.org; Helps rebuild lives with compassion by providing shelter and services to prevent homelessness and empower people as they transition toward self-sufficiency.
Live Arts Maryland
Annapolis; 410-263-1906; liveartsmaryland.org; Enhances community life through performing a wide variety of music and to provide education programs for musicians of all ages. Programs include Annapolis Chorale, Annapolis Chamber Orchestra, Annapolis Youth Chorus, and St. Anne’s Concert Series.
Maryland Coalitionfor InclusiveEducation (MCIE)
Elkridge; 410-859-5400; mcie.org; Promotes inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classrooms and neighborhood schools.
MarylandFederation of Art
Annapolis; 410-268-4566; mdfedart.org; Provides emerging and established artists with opportunities and enriches awareness of visual arts in communities across Maryland.
Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts
Annapolis; 410-263-5544; marylandhall.org; Provides entertainment and education for adults and children including classes and workshops in visual and performing arts in dance, theatre, visual arts, music, and health.
Maryland Theatre for the Performing Arts
Annapolis; 410-268-5854; mtpa.co; Creates a world-class performing arts center in our state capital to confirm Maryland’s commitment and support of the importance of the arts in our society.
Maryland Therapeutic Riding
Crownsville; 410-923-6800; horsesthatheal.org; Provides therapy to special needs individuals with a range of physical, mental, and emotional disabilities using high quality therapeutic riding program.
Monarch Academy
Annapolis; 443-449-2757; monarchacademy.org; Tuition-free, public charter school that educates students to be self-motivated, creative, critical thinkers and life-long learners who are productive contributors to the global community in the 21st century.
NAMI Anne Arundel County
Arnold; 443-569-3498; namiaac.org; NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Olivia ConstantsFoundation
Annapolis; 443-949-7714; oliviaconstants.org; Supports and encourages individuals and organizations in their efforts to enhance the positive quality of individual, family, and community life.
Omni House
Glen Burnie; 410-768-6777; omnihouse.org; Comprehensive psychiatric rehabilitation services and outpatient mental health clinic services for adults with severe and persistent mental illness.
OpportunityBuilders, Inc.
Millersville; 410-787-0700
obiworks.org; Provides adults with developmental disabilities a motivational environment offering vocational training, employment services, recreational activities, and support services.
Oyster RecoveryPartnership, Inc.
Annapolis; 410-990-4970; oysterrecovery.org; Coordinates the Maryland effort to restore the oyster community of the Chesapeake Bay.
Parents Place ofMaryland
Glen Burnie; 410-768-9100; ppmd.org; Resource center for families with children who have disabilities or special health care needs.
Partners In Care, Inc.
Pasadena; 410-544-4800; partnersincare.org; Assists older and disabled adults to remain independent in their own homes by helping with transportation, handyman chores, and other neighborly tasks.
Patuxent Riverkeeper
Upper Marlboro; 855-725-2925; paxriverkeeper.org; Protects, restores, and advocates for clean water in the Patuxent River and its connected ecosystem.
Providence Center
Glen Burnie; 410-766-2212; providencecenter.com; Provides day programs for nearly 500 adults with developmental disabilities.
Robert A. Pascal Youth and Family Services
Severna Park; 410-975-0067; pascalcsi.org; Provides exceptional, comprehensive psychiatric and psychological care for children, adolescents, adults, and families in Anne Arundel County.
Sarah’s House
Ft. George G. Meade; 667-600-3550; catholiccharities-md.org/sarahs-house; Provides safe shelter, daily meals, personal, as well as professional casework support for those in need.
Seeds 4 Success
Annapolis; 410-533-3847; s4sannapolis.org; Provides children from low income communities with the skills and support to achieve success in school and life.
Senior Dog Sanctuary
Severn; 443-742-0270; seniordogsanctuary.com; Providing a permanent safe haven for senior dogs who are unable to be cared for by their owners, who are abandoned or abused, or face euthanasia.
Services from the Heart
Severna Park; communityservicesfromtheheart.com; Provides children in need with weekly food backpacks over the weekend and holidays.
Severn Riverkeeper
Annapolis; 410-849-2329; severnriverkeeper.org; To protect and restore the Severn River for our families and future generations.
SPCA of Anne Arundel County
Annapolis; 410-268-4388; aacspca.org; The SPCA exists to protect animals in Anne Arundel County from acts of cruelty and neglect.
Special OlympicsMaryland
Baltimore; 410-242-1515; somd.org; Provides year-round sports training and competitions to children and adults with intellectual disabilities and other closely related developmental disabilities.
Start The Adventure In Reading Annapolis (STAIR)
Annapolis; 443-924-1578; stairannapolis.org; Works with second-grade readers in Anne Arundel County Public Schools to help children improve critical early literacy skills.
The Summit School
Edgewater; 410-798-0005; thesummitschool.org; Educates children with unique learning styles to their full potential. Serving bright students with dyslexia and other learning differences.
Vision Workshops
Annapolis; 410-990-1611; visionworkshops.org; Provides innovative, dynamic, educational, and life-changing experiences for youth from underserved communities using the tools of photojournalism.
Walk the WalkFoundation
Millersville; 410-980-1908; wtwf.org; Faith-centered organization working to help children with fundamental needs.
We Care and Friends
Annapolis; 410-263-2874; wecareandfriends.org; Supports the building blocks to create strong families and communities in areas affected by drugs, poverty, and crime in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County.
Wellness House
Annapolis; 410-990-0941; annapoliswellnesshouse.org; Provides strength and support for people and families living and coping with cancer.
YMCA Camp Letts
Edgewater; 410-919-1410; campletts.org; Offers Traditional and Specialty Day Camps, Resident Camps, and a year-round Retreat Center.
Yumi C.A.R.E.S.Foundation
Potomac; YumiCARES@gmail.com; Therapeutic art program for pediatric hospital patients founded by Maryland’s First Lady, Yumi Hogan.
YWCA Annapolis and Anne Arundel County
Arnold; 410-626-7800; annapolisywca.org; Provides environments where women and girls can thrive.