Many of the artist's names—N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, and Jessie Wilcox Smith— included in the exhibit will sound familiar to the older generation who treasured their illustrated hardbacks and grew up with Scribner's classics.
“Illustrations are meant to capture a crucial moment,” says Edinberg, “so even if the younger children do not know the story related to the painting, the illustrations provide a good opportunity for imagination.”
Why Don't You End It?, ca. 1900, by Howard Pyle (1853-1911). Oil on canvas.
The works chosen for the exhibit are primarily from books and stories that were often serialized and include the titles, The Count of Monte Cristo, An Old Fashioned Girl, Captain Blood, and Les Miserables.
“The illustrators clearly understood the authors' words in order to convey tragedy, adventure, and mystery,” says Edinberg. This exhibit comes to the gallery courtesy of the Kelly Collection of American illustration and the Robert Horvath Collection. “Working with the owners of the collections from which we are borrowing,” says Edinberg, “has raised my level of appreciation, education and excitement.”
The gallery is open free-of-charge to the public daily noon to 5 p.m., Friday evenings 7–8 p.m., and is closed on Mondays. To pre-register for special events call 410-626-2556.
Select Exhibit Events
October 30 – Opening Reception & Family Program from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
November 1 – Collectors Program Discussion at 7:30 p.m.
November 13 – Sunday afternoon tour at 3 p.m.
November 17 – Book Club from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
December 7 – Art Express from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.