Seafood Feast-I-Val
Sailwinds Park 200 Byrne St, Cambridge, Maryland 21613
Enjoy an all-you-can-eat feast and more on the shores of the Choptank River on Saturday, August 10 from 1-6pm. The 40th annual Seafood F east-I-Val is held at Governor’s Hall at Sailwinds Park on the Choptank River, in historic Cambridge, Maryland. The menu includes steamed crab s, fried fish, crab soup, fried clams, BBQ chicken, sweet potato f ries, ranch fries, watermelon, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes, hot dogs, cake, and freeze pops. Soft drinks are included in the pr ice; beer is sold by the cup.
The festival also includes live mu sic by Golden Touch, a car show, craft sales, and entertainment for the children. Rain or shine. Organized each year by the Cambridge Rescue Fire Company, the Seafood Feast-I-Val was chosen by t he American Bus Association as one of the top 100 group tour eve nts in the United States.
Tickets cost $37 for adults (if pu rchased before Aug. 4) and $10 for children ages 5 through 12.