Bay Paddle 2023
Kent Island ..., Annapolis, Maryland 21666
The Chesapeake Bay Paddle consists of two races;
1) A 33 mile solo and team race designed for OCs, surfskis, SUPs, kayaks, canoes (both single and multi-person) from Kent Island, MD to Haven Harbor South in Rock Hall, MD.
2) A 12 mile solo only race designed for OCs, surfskis, SUPs, kayaks, canoes (both single and multi-person) from Kent Island, MD to Haven Harbor South in Rock Hall, MD.
The race will benefit Chesapeake Conservancy’s efforts to designate the Chesapeake Bay as a National Park, WaterKeepers Chesapeake to help keep the waters and rivers of the Bay healthy and Oyster Recovery Partnership’s work to plant 10 billion oysters in the Bay.
In lieu of a registration fee for the 33 miler, each participant has a fundraising minimum goal of $500.
The 12 mile race just has a registration fee. The registration fee is tax deductible. Bay Paddle is a registered 501c3 and all proceeds from participants are donated to Oyster Recovery Partnership, Chesapeake Conservancy and Waterkeepers Chesapeake.