Isadora Duncan Dance Class for Adults
Unity by the Bay 4 Pointless Forest Trail, Annapolis, Maryland 21409
Kristen Kissik
Kristen on the beach
Join Kristen Kissik, a third-generation Duncan dancer, for a glorious evening of moving harmoniously and joyfully as we explore many of Isadora Duncan’s concepts, themes, and motifs.
All levels are welcome. No prior dance experience is necessary. Come with an open heart and comfortable clothing to dance in.
We will begin with a gentle warmup, progress to movement motifs across the floor, and enjoy improvisational and choreographed dance phases.
Unity’s space is the perfect match for Isadora’s spiritual and emotionally embodied movement.
Bring a yoga mat (or borrow one of ours) for our opening warmup, as we will start on the floor and gradually move to standing.
Cost, $25. Register through our website,