Tickle My Money Bone
Do you know what's funny? For most Americans, talking about money is more taboo than politics or sex. Let's talk about it...actually, let's laugh about it!
I am thrilled to share with you the upcoming FREE “Tickle My Money Bone!” Comedy Event presented by Crusaders for Change, LLC.
This event will feature financial experts sharing their most embarrassing money stories and how they overcame their money traumas, bad money mindsets, and bad money decisions. It's time to take away the stigma, depression, and anxiety around money and start educating ourselves.
Please consider this email as my invitation to you to join us for a fun, yet insightful night on Thursday, April 29th at 5 pm EST. The main event starts at 7 pm EST.
You can register for the event at bit.ly/FunnyMoneyEvent or click the button below.
To get more involved, I highly recommend you follow Crusaders for Change, LLC (@Crusaders4Change) on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and/or Twitter (see buttons below)
I’m looking forward to sharing a night full of laughter with you!