Volunteer Tree Plantings with the Choptank Riverkeeper
Preston, MD Preston, Maryland
Volunteer Tree Plantings in March
Come help support the Envision the Choptank partnership in planting over 1,600 native plants and shrubs. Plantings will be this month in Trappe, MD and Preston, MD. No experience is necessary and families, children accompanied by an adult, and groups are welcome. Registration is required. Visit cbf.org/mdrestoration to register.
Planting 2:
Preston, MD along Grace Creek
Tuesday, March 22 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Envision the Choptank is a partnership that aims to find collaborative solutions that support healthy and productive oyster reefs, and restore fishable, swimmable waters to the Choptank River. Please forward questions to Whitley at wgray@shorerivers.org.