Walter Dorsett: Stories From Behind The Camera
Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts 801 Chase Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401
The Digital Photography Club of Annapolis invites you to the presentation, Walter Dorsett: Stories From Behind The Camera.
The Digital Photography Club of Annapolis invites you to the presentation, Walter Dorsett: Stories From Behind The Camera. Every photographer carries a natural sensitivity to timing and a strong practice of patience when photographing. It is not uncommon for a photographer to be alone when he or she captures that one image that is, well, the one! And there’s usually a great story of adventure, serendipity, and equipment triumphs and fails in the process.
Walter Dorsett is a self-taught, 22-year-old, up and coming wildlife and landscape photographer residing in North East, Maryland. With work published in multiple books and magazines, interviews with local media, and over 400,000 Facebook followers, Walter travels the globe capturing remarkable moments in time that also have incredible stories behind them. He is known for how he utilizes light (sun, moon, stars, lightening) to amplify his images, as well as the lengths he goes to “get the one”. For this presentation, Walter will be narrowing his experiences down to a handful of selected images that integrate his talent, skill, and equipment. Visit