Welcome to the start of celebrating the Best of Annapolis 2021! The following Medical, Dental & Veterinary Wellness winners—the first series of five categorical batches of results that will appear in this magazine over the next several months—are the result of you, our readers, voting for your very favorite service providers in our annual Best of Annapolis voting campaign.
More than 20,000 of you participated this year! There were so many votes for so many businesses in fact, that, in addition to naming the overall winners for each category, we’ve decided to name honorable mentions—those businesses which earned a high number of votes, but came in second or third place, so to speak. Not every category has an honorable mention—only those categories in which the voting was most active.
So please join us in toasting and celebrating the Best of Annapolis winners (listed alphabetically by category).
Acupuncturist Annapolis Family Acupuncture 1298 Bay Dale Drive, Ste. 211, Arnold 410-793-1701 annapolisfamilyacupuncture.com Honorable Mention Meadow Hill Wellness Annapolis
Alternative Wellness Therapy Living Health Integrative Medicine 1833 Forest Drive, Ste. A, Annapolis 410-216-9180 mylivinghealth.com Honorable Mention Annapolis Pain Management Annapolis Honorable Mention Chesapeake Holistic Annapolis
Birthing Center Bay Area Midwifery Center 2003 Medical Parkway, Ste. G50, Annapolis 443-481-4400 myaamg.org/bay-area-midwifery Honorable Mention Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center Annapolis
Body Contouring (Non-Surgical) Skin Wellness M.D. 171 Defense Highway, Annapolis 410-224-2400 skinwellnessmd.com Honorable Mention ProMD Health Annapolis
Body Contouring (Surgical) Annapolis Plastic Surgery 2002 Medical Parkway, Ste. 215, Annapolis 410-694-7564 annapolisplasticsurgery.com Honorable Mention Plastic Surgery Specialists Annapolis Honorable Mention Sullivan Surgery & Spa Annapolis
Breast Augmentation & Reconstruction Annapolis Plastic Surgery 2002 Medical Parkway, Ste. 215, Annapolis 410-694-7564 annapolisplasticsurgery.com Honorable Mention Plastic Surgery Specialists Annapolis Honorable Mention Sandel Duggal Plastic Surgery and Med Spa Annapolis
Child & Family Mental Health Provider Anchored Hope Therapy 170 Jennifer Road, Ste. 202, Annapolis 443-291-8090 anchoredhopetherapy.com Honorable Mention Thrive Behavioral Health Millersville
Chiropractor Practice Elevate Life 1730 West Steet, Ste. 105, Annapolis 410-268-3333 elevatelifeclinic.com Honorable Mention TruCentered Chiropractic Care Annapolis
Cosmetic Eye Treatment Chesapeake Eye Care and Laser Center 2002 Medical Parkway, Ste. 320, Annapolis 410-571-8733 chesapeakeeyecare.com Honorable Mention The Center for Eye & Laser Surgery Severna Park
Cosmetic Injections ProMD Health 166 Defense Highway, Ste. 302, Annapolis 443-333-4940 promdhealth.com Honorable Mention Center for Dermatology & Skin Care of Maryland Crofton
Dry Needling GOFit Physical Therapy 406 Duckbill Lane, Annapolis 443-699-4771 gofit-pt.com Honorable Mention One. Physical Therapy & Fitness Annapolis
Ear, Nose & Throat Annapolis Ear, Nose, Throat and Allergy Associates 2002 Medical Parkway, Ste. 230, Annapolis 410-266-3900 annapolisent.com Honorable Mention Anne Arundel ENT Annapolis
Emergency Pet Care Anne Arundel Veterinary Emergency Clinic 808 Bestgate Road, Annapolis 410-224-0331 aavec.com
Facial Rejuvenation Center for Dermatology & Skin Care of Maryland 2200 Defense Highway, Ste. 201, Crofton 410-451-5500 dermofmd.com Honorable Mention Skin Wellness M.D. Annapolis
Holistic Dentistry The Center for Innovative Dentistry & Facial Aesthetics 133 Defense Highway, Ste. 103, Annapolis 410-266-3595 drrolanddental.com Honorable Mention Annapolis Green Dental Annapolis
Hormone Therapy ProMD Health 166 Defense Highway, Ste. 302, Annapolis 443-333-4940 promdhealth.com Honorable Mention Annapolis Integrative Medicine Annapolis Honorable Mention BeBalanced Hormone Weight Loss Centers Crownsville
Hospice Care Hospice of the Chesapeake 90 Ritchie Highway, Pasadena 410-987-2003 hospicechesapeake.org
Invisalign Specialist Mairead M. O’Reilly, DDS, MS 888 Bestgate Road, Ste. 301, Annapolis 410-266-0025 annapolisortho.com Honorable Mention Philbin & Reinheimer Orthodontics Annapolis Honorable Mention Drs. Lee, Bonfiglio, Vesely & Associates Annapolis
Laser Hair Removal Laser Center of Maryland 484-A Ritchie Highway, Severna Park 410-544-4600 lasercentermd.com Honorable Mention O’Donnell Vein & Laser Annapolis
Laser Skin Treatment Skin Wellness M.D. 171 Defense Highway, Annapolis 410-224-2400 skinwellnessmd.com Honorable Mention Laser Center of Maryland Severna Park
Medical Grade Chemical Peels Sandel Duggal Plastic Surgery and Med Spa 104 Ridgley Avenue, Annapolis 410-266-7120 sandelduggal.com Honorable Mention Plastic Surgery Specialists Annapolis
Medical Grade Skin Care Products Adoro Medical Spa 692-A Ritchie Highway, Ste. 2B, Severna Park 443-569-7774 myeyelids.com Honorable Mention Sullivan Surgery & Spa Annapolis
Mental Health Services Thrive Behavioral Health 1114 Benfield Boulevard, Unit G, Millersville 410-780-5203 thrivebh.com Honorable Mention Cedar Counseling & Wellness Annapolis Honorable Mention Anchored Hope Therapy Annapolis
Mommy Makeover Annapolis Plastic Surgery 2002 Medical Parkway, Ste. 215, Annapolis 410-694-7564 annapolisplasticsurgery.com Honorable Mention Sandel Duggal Plastic Surgery and Med Spa Annapolis
Naturopathic Doctor Whole Health Integrative Medicine 3168 Braverton Street, Ste. 330, Edgewater 410-956-3090 wholehealthintegrativemedicine.com Honorable Mention Dr. Erin Kinney Annapolis
Nutritionist Living Health Integrative Medicine 1833 Forest Drive, Ste. A, Annapolis 410-216-9180 mylivinghealth.com Honorable Mention Chesapeake Holistic Annapolis
Pain Management All Star Pain Management & Regenerative Medicine 166 Defense Highway, Ste. 300, Annapolis 410-694-7641 allstarpainmanagement.com Honorable Mention Annapolis Pain Management Annapolis
Pharmacy Arnold Professional Pharmacy 1460 Ritchie Highway, Arnold 443-949-8373 professionalpharmacygroup.com Honorable Mention Cape Drugs Annapolis
Physical Therapy GOFit Physical Therapy 406 Duckbill Lane, Annapolis 443-699-4771 gofit-pt.com Honorable Mention Elevate Life Annapolis
Rhinoplasty Sandel Duggal Plastic Surgery and Med Spa 104 Ridgley Avenue, Annapolis 410-266-7120 sandelduggal.com Honorable Mention Annapolis Plastic Surgery Annapolis
Sedation/Phobia Treatment Djawdan Center for Implant and Restorative Dentistry 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Ste. 210, Annapolis 443-569-8764 smileannapolis.com
TMJ Treatment The Center for Innovative Dentistry & Facial Aesthetics 133 Defense Highway, Ste. 103, Annapolis 410-266-3595 drrolanddental.com Honorable Mention Annapolis Pain Management Annapolis Honorable Mention Mairead M. O’Reilly, DDS, MS Annapolis
Urgent Care Medicine Patient First—Annapolis Urgent Care 2051 West Street, Annapolis 443-603-0758 patientfirst.com Honorable Mention PM Pediatrics Urgent Care Annapolis
Vein Restoration O’Donnell Vein & Laser 166 Defense Highway, Ste. 101, Annapolis 877-461-1564 odonnellveinandlaser.com Honorable Mention Vein Clinics of America Annapolis
Veterinarian for Cats Annapolis Cat Hospital 2244-48 Bay Ridge Avenue, Annapolis 410-609-5497 annapoliscathospital.com
Veterinarian for Dogs Greater Annapolis Veterinary Hospital 1901 Generals Highway, Annapolis 410-224-3800 greaterannapolisveterinaryhospital.com Honorable Mention Alexander Animal Hospital Severna Park Honorable Mention Bay Ridge Animal Hospital Annapolis
Veterinary Clinic Greater Annapolis Veterinary Hospital 1901 Generals Highway, Annapolis 410-224-3800 greaterannapolisveterinaryhospital.com Honorable Mention VCA South Arundel Animal Hospital Edgewater Honorable Mention Mobile Pet Vet Anne Arundel County
Veterinary Surgery Chesapeake Veterinary Surgical Specialists 808 Bestgate Road, Annapolis 410-224-0121 cvssvets.com
Weight-Loss Program/Regimen InShapeMD 576 Benfield Road, Severna Park 410-975-5666 severnaparkinshapemd.com Honorable Mention Annapolis Medical Weight Loss Gambrills Honorable Mention Living Health Integrative Medicine Annapolis
Women’s Imaging Bay Radiology 537 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard, Ste. B, Severna Park 410-544-3331 bay-radiology.com Honorable Mention Anne Arundel Diagnostics Imaging Annapolis