Caregivers and family members are a vital part of the health care team for an aging loved one. Caregivers help advocate for their loved one, assist them with doctor visits, ensure they are following their care plans, and support them during health emergencies. Having the right information about your loved one or parents’ health could save their lives.
Use the following list to make sure you have the necessary information should an emergency arise:
1. Contact information for all healthcare providers including primary care: Keep the names and phone numbers of doctors and specialists on hand.
2. Current medications with allergy list: Having a list of current medications helps doctors address issues related to multiple medications and risks associated with drug-drug interactions.
3. Medical histories including personal lifestyle: Keep a list of medical conditions, past surgeries and major medical procedures. Doctors use this information to make decisions about medical procedures and treatment options.
4. Access to medical records information: Find out whether your parents have signed a form that allows their doctors and insurance companies to release their medical information to you. If not, ask them to sign privacy agreements to allow you access in emergencies.
5. Contact information for neighbors: Ask mom and dad for the name and number of a trusted neighbor who can be called to check in on them, and alert you if there is a problem.
6. Details of advanced directives and goals of care: Get the details of your parents’ living wills and who’s authorized to make healthcare decisions on their behalf. Have this conversation now, rather than in the midst of a medical emergency. During your “dinner table” conversations, initiate discussions with your loved ones regarding their end of life wishes.