Also, we urge you to jump right in and plant your own June blooms with seedlings you can purchase at your local nursery. Don't worry if you have skipped a few horticulture classes. We can help you make up for that lost time by recommending 10 of Maryland's most beloved bloomers.
Foxglove is a must-have for your garden's back border. Tall and stately, they are the purple, light pink, and white bells of the ball. These flowers, which tolerate light shade, have the grace of ballerinas but the amount of strength to withstand summer heat spells, droughts, and even deer. They will also lure hummingbirds and bees into your garden for your viewing pleasure.
Larkspur or Delphinium looks dramatic when paired with foxglove's subtle shades. Blue, lavender, white, rose, and pink are all common hues of this sultry, spiky-looking flower. Larkspur grows quickly and blooms consistently well into the summer, making it well worth your dollar. It may tolerate some shade, but thrives in full sun.
It is always fun to see young kids getting dirt under their fingernails and witnessing the excitement of life and growth other than their own.
Platycodon grandiflorus, commonly known as balloon flower or Chinese bellflower, has much to offer such youngsters. Balloon flowers are easy to plant and have little upkeep and, even better, there is great excitement in watching the white, pink, or blue flower buds swell and then, after much anticipation, pop right open. They bloom prolifically through mid- to late-summer when other perennials are beginning to fade, and are cold-hardy for chilly nights. “Blue shades of balloon flowers in combination with deep orange cosmos or yarrows work wonders,” says a local landscape architect.
Another ight blossom you, your friends, and the butterflies will find irresistible is Lantana. With nearly every color under the sun, lantana features combinations of pinks mixed with yellow, rose with gold, and solid colors such as purple, orange, red, yellow, pink, or white. Their need for lots of sun exposure and ability to tolerate salt makes them excellent candidates for beachfront planting.
Do not forget about Verbena. Verbena overcompensates for its small demeanor and runt-of-the-family status with copious blooms from spring to frost. It's delicate petals and strong color blasts (purple, pink, white, red) look best when grown in clusters, as ground cover, or in hanging baskets. Give this plant a good amount of sun and it will happily take care of itself. Another colorful bloomer with attractive foliage is Astilbe, which does well in dappled shade. Available in white, pink, purple and red, its topheavy, fluffy clusters also look wonderful when planted in masses.
Allium's dramatic bursts of color are easily seen—they look like pompoms sitting atop their skinny stems. The large flowerheads can be found in variations of white, blue, yellow, and purple. These thrive in the sun during the early summer months. They are deer and mice repellant, but take cautionwhen planting in the vicinity of house pets—allium is poisonous if ingested in large amounts.
A stunning new hy id used for its illiantly showy, tropical-looking colors and delicious aromas is the Hibiscus “Lady Baltimore” eed. Its elegant pink petals with a darker pink eye, make it a curious eed to onlookers. It blooms prolifically from mid-summer to fall and can be used in wet soils or around water features.
Exhausted yet? With all of these names and do's and don'ts to remember, it is hard to save room for one more. The Kousa Dogwood tree, however, demands your attention. Just when your post-blooming season depression sets in, this tree's life is just beginning. “Its value is that…there it is…after everything is done,” says a local landscaper. It begins blooming in early summer and its delicately whimsical white petals bloom for weeks.
Also, keep an eye out for SunPatiens. This new hy id has been born with more vim and vigor than its relative, impatiens. Flourishing in full sun, these white, magenta, orange or red petaled flowers are even larger with more blooms than regular impatiens.
While pondering the placement of your seedlings this year, keep a few things in mind. Consider a garden that offers a variety of annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees. “A good garden has good bones…it leaves something left over, post-bloom,” said a local planter. Also very important is your garden's color palette. Creating a pleasing display of colors, heights, and textures will distinguish your garden. Do not, however, be afraid to put your personality into your yard, and, as always, happy gardening!
Emma Hall, an editorial intern for What's Up?, is convinced that the world would be a better place if only there were more Kousa Dogwood Trees!