Annapolis, Maryland – The Chesapeake Bay Trust, the Anne Arundel County Watershed Protection and Restoration Program, and the City of Annapolis announce that $1.28 million in funding has been awarded to projects that focus on environmental restoration and protection.
Ten projects to be implemented in Annapolis and other areas of Anne Arundel County will receive funding to improve water quality in local waterways, reduce stormwater and sediment runoff, and build resilient living shorelines.
"Every year it is inspiring to see the innovative and efficient way that community-driven watershed protection projects are implemented," said Steuart Pittman, Anne Arundel County Executive. “It is these projects, and other like them, that will help move us toward a healthier Chesapeake Bay.”
The Anne Arundel County Watershed Restoration Grant Program is designed to reduce pollutants through watershed restoration practices. Projects accomplish on-the-ground, cost-effective treatment of impervious surfaces to control stormwater runoff and remove harmful pollutants to help the jurisdictions achieve local water quality improvement goals. To be considered for funding, projects had to be planned to occur in Anne Arundel County, including the City of Annapolis, and applicants were encouraged to engage at least one partner that represents a stakeholder group based in the county.
“As a county, we are fortunate for our continued partnerships with non-governmental organizations that share our vision for restoring our local waterways,” said Erik Michelsen, Deputy Director of the County's Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration. “Locally trusted and efficient, these groups are able to perform large-scale restoration work that enhances quality of life in the county.
The goal of improving the health of our waterways is advanced through the engagement of local nonprofit groups and communities. The Trust’s mission is to empower these groups to conceive, own, and lead their own projects to beautify their neighborhoods while treating stormwater at the same time. This type of ownership has been shown to lead to higher sustainability of projects, and therefore longer-term benefits.
"The City is excited to be a partner with the Chesapeake Bay Trust for the second year in funding communities and nonprofit organizations to undertake these important projects,” Jacqueline Guild, Deputy City Manager of Resilience & Sustainability for the City of Annapolis said. “Grant-funded projects will advance the City's water pollution reduction goals, increase shoreline resilience, and recreate wildlife habitats important to the Bay's health.”
Funds are provided by the City and the County and are managed by the nonprofit Chesapeake Bay Trust, supported in part by the Chesapeake Bay vehicle license plates common on many vehicles in the County.
“We continue to make advances in improving the health of our waterways,” said Dr. Jana Davis, president of the Chesapeake Bay Trust. “Our successful partnership with Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis allows more resources for local nonprofit organizations to accomplish measurable, visible improvements that protect our waterways and improve our communities.”
The Anne Arundel County Watershed Protection and Restoration Grant Program Awardees
Spa Creek Conservancy, $89,615
This project will result in a watershed assessment of potential restoration priorities in Truxtun Cove, including The Landings, North Green, and Saltaire Communities. The assessment will identify restoration opportunities to guide the design and permitting of the next phase of the project and will include an outreach component to the communities in both English and Spanish.
Severn River Association, Inc., $131,970
With input from the Nautilus Point community, the Severn River Association, Inc. will design and implement best management practices in visible community spaces at Nautilus Point to treat stormwater runoff that flows from impervious surfaces on the property into Back Creek, a tributary of the Severn River.
The Tecumseh Condominium, $74,500
Funds will be provided to design practices to treat stormwater runoff from the Condominium’s Eastport parking lot, one of the largest impervious parcels in Annapolis that currently has no stormwater management.
Pines Community Improvement Association, $24,479
A micro-bioretention practice will be implemented on Pines Community Improvement Association property at the Pines Park/Playground. This practice will slow down, filter, and treat stormwater from impervious surfaces and ultimately reduce runoff entering Chase Creek.
Arundel Rivers Federation, $31,514
A bioswale will be implemented to treat rainwater and slow down erosive flows from impervious surfaces along Paca Drive on Turkey Point Island. The bioswale will be planted with native plants, will treat stormwater during rain events, and will dissipate flow before entering tidal wetlands, reducing its impact on shoreline vegetation.
Chesapeake Rivers Association, $299,890
Stormwater runoff has resulted in the degradation of a stream and shoreline in the Chestnut Hill Cove community. This project will restore 1,200 linear feet of stream and shoreline through a nature-based regenerative stormwater conveyance method for stream restoration.
Severn River Association, Inc., $77,630
The Severn River Association will work with the Wardour Community to design and permit a suite of practices on community property that will reduce and treat stormwater runoff and replace a hardened revetment with a “living shoreline,” the use of natural habitat elements rather than hardened shoreline armor to protect it from erosion due to climate change, boat wakes, and other erosive forces. Living shorelines provide better habitat for crabs, fish, and other wildlife than armor.
Arundel Rivers Federation, $177,427
This project will restore approximately 600 feet of rapidly eroding shoreline on the Mayo peninsula through a living shoreline and a dune/headland restoration approach to enhance the resiliency of this site against climate change. This project ties into the County-owned Mayo Beach Park, one of the few public beaches in the County, and will restore valuable horseshoe crab habitat, which is being lost at high rates.
Chesapeake Rivers Association, $300,151
This project will restore approximately 1,400 linear feet of a stream channel in the Shipley’s Retreat neighborhood at the headwaters of the Severn River to address current erosion and to provide safe access for the neighborhood to enjoy community green space.
Arundel Rivers Federation, $77,237
In partnership with the Harness Creek Overlook community, Arundel Rivers Federation will design a wet pond retrofit and step pool conveyance system to improve water quality and address erosion in an unnamed tributary to Harness Creek. The existing wet pond dates to the late 1990s and will be redesigned to comply with current stormwater best management standards.
The Partners:
About the Anne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration (BWPR)
The BWPR, a division of the Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works, is responsible for implementation of the County’s stormwater restoration project strategies that meet mandated federal and state water quality requirements. For more information about the BWPR, visit
About the City of Annapolis, Department of Public Works (DPW)
The DPW is responsible for managing the City’s stormwater system and implementing and supporting projects that help the City meets its federal and state water quality requirements, including projects that restore the natural stormwater management and pollutant capture functions of creeks, rivers, wetlands, and shorelines. For more information about the visit
About the Chesapeake Bay Trust
The Chesapeake Bay Trust ( envisions a restored and protected Chesapeake Bay watershed and other natural resources in our area, from the Coastal Bays to the Chesapeake to the Youghiogheny River. We uniquely empower local community-based groups on the ground with the resources they need to take on a meaningful and measurable role in restoring forests, streams, rivers, bays, wildlife, and more in their own communities. Every year, the Trust empowers about 400 groups by providing grants and technical assistance to accomplish environmental education, community outreach, and local watershed restoration projects. The Trust is supported by the sale of the Chesapeake Bay license plate; donations to the Chesapeake Bay and Endangered Species Fund on the Maryland State income tax form; donations made by hunters, fishers, and boaters in the Maryland online natural resource licensing system; donations from individuals and corporations; and partnerships with private foundations and federal, state, and local governments such as Anne Arundel County and the City if Annapolis. The Trust has received the highest rating from Charity Navigator for over two decades. On average, 90% of the Trust’s expenditures are directed to its restoration and education programs.