Preliminary drafts are open for public comment until August 28, 2023
Annapolis, MD - Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman today announced the release of the preliminary draft Region Plans and zoning maps for Regions 2, 4, and 7. The public can provide feedback on the draft plans and maps until August 28.
“Restoring community-level planning to our county was a promise I made in 2018,” said County Executive Steuart Pittman. “These three draft Region Plans are what that promise was about. Please read them, comment on them, and continue to engage in our work to create a smarter, greener, and more equitable future.”
Using guidance from the appointed Stakeholder Advisory Committees and outreach in each of the regions, the Office of Planning and Zoning staff drafted preliminary Region Plans and zoning maps that reflect a vision for each region, and address community challenges and opportunities. Community members in these Regions are invited to review and comment online or at a drop-in session. Drafts can be accessed at or by clicking on the individual links for Region 2, Region 4, and Region 7.
"Citizen participation aims to ensure that as many voices as possible are heard and taken into consideration for the best outcome for those who live and work in the Region communities,” said Jenny Jarkowski, Planning and Zoning Officer. “We need your feedback to make these the best plans for all!"
Residents can see draft materials in person and speak with Office of Planning and Zoning staff by attending one of the following drop-in sessions:
Region 2
Thursday, August 10, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM | Maryland City at Russett Library
Region 4
Monday, August 7, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM | Severna Park Library
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM | Broadneck Library
Region 7
Tuesday, August 15, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM | Independence Room at 2664 Riva Road (Heritage Complex)
The County’s zoning maps are being updated as part of the ongoing Region Plan process to reflect changes in the adopted land use plan in the County General Development Plan, Plan2040. The public can now comment on preliminary drafts of the following areas:
Region 2 includes the west County communities of Jessup, Annapolis Junction, Laurel, Maryland City, parts of Hanover, the Patuxent Research Refuge, and Fort George G. Meade.
Region 4 includes the Broadneck peninsula and the Lake Shore peninsula. The region includes the communities of Pasadena, Gibson Island, Severna Park, Arnold, Cape St. Claire, and Broadneck.
Region 7 includes the communities of Greater Annapolis, Parole, Riva, Annapolis Neck, Bay Ridge, and Highland Beach.
The County will complete nine Region Plans in total, in groups of three regions at a time, over three consecutive rounds. Zoning regulates the kind and scale of uses that can be developed in different locations. Proposed changes to the zoning maps more accurately align with existing development patterns and support smart growth principles, with increased opportunities for housing and development in targeted areas, while limiting development potential in rural areas and peninsulas.
After the initial comment period, draft plans and zoning maps will be reviewed by the Planning Advisory Board and the Anne Arundel County Council.