The Eastern Shore heads to the Loiusiana bayous this weekend with the debut of a new annual event! The first annual Crawfish Boil & Muskrat Stew Fest will be held on Sunday, Fe uary 26 from noon to 6 pm in Cannery Way park in downtown Cam idge. The outdoor festival features live Cajun blues music by the Washington, D.C.-based Jimmy Cole & the Delinquent Crawdaddies; food items; seasonal libations, and more.
Sponsored by the retail store Crabi Gras in cooperation with the nonprofit Cam idge Main Street, the Crawfish Boil & Muskrat Stew Fest is scheduled for the day after competitors from both South Louisiana and Eastern Shore face off in the annual World Muskrat Skinning Championships held as part of the National Outdoor Show in nearby Golden Hill.
The event will be held in the Cannery Way pocket park adjacent to Crabi Gras, 432 Race Street. Abundant free parking is available on nearby streets and in municipal lots off Gay Street and Academy Street.
“This fun-filled event cele ates the rich cultural heritage of Loiusiana and the Eastern Shore. Check out the hot sauces in Crabi Gras’ store: a sure way to chase away the winter chills!” says Mari Stanley of Cam idge Main Street, “And who could miss the opportunity to taste Muskrat stew and fresh boiled crawfish?” adds Keith Graffius, owner of Crabi Gras and organizer of the event.
In addition to the festival activities, several nearby restaurants and some downtown shops will be open during the event.