For Make a Difference Day 2023, pink tulip bulbs and yellow daffodil bulbs will be offered to be planted in public spaces throughout the City of Annapolis. Bulb ordering begins Monday, September 11.
Annapolis, MD - Mayor Gavin Buckley and the Annapolis Recreation and Parks Department invite community members to participate in the nation’s annual Make A Difference Day by volunteering for the city’s fall GreenScape project on Saturday, October 28. Make a Difference Day is a national effort encouraging groups and individuals to volunteer in their community to improve the lives of others.
For Make a Difference Day 2023, we are offering pink tulip bulbs and yellow daffodil bulbs to be planted in public spaces throughout the City of Annapolis. Volunteers may order up to 100 tulip bulbs and 100 daffodil bulbs for each project. The bulbs are free but only available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Reservations for bulbs start Monday, September 11.
To place an order, please email Marisa Wittlinger at and provide your name, contact phone number and organization (if applicable), and indicate what City of Annapolis public landscape area you will be planting and the number of bulbs you’re requesting. Bulb pick-up will be held Monday through Friday, October 22-27, at the “Pip” Moyer Recreation Center at 273 Hilltop Lane in Annapolis.