County Executive Pittman, Anne Arundel Connecting Together, Maryland Reentry Resource Center, Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center, Arundel Community Development Services to Announce Grant Funding for Turnaround Thursday Launch
County will provide $273,000 in funding to provide returning, unemployed and underemployed residents with training for living wage jobs
Annapolis, Maryland – Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman, Arundel Community Development Services (ACDS), Anne Arundel Connecting Together (ACT), and the Maryland Reentry Resource Center will announce the award of $273,000 in grant funding from the County for the launch of Turnaround Thursday at ACT’s annual meeting tonight. The program will provide job reentry training and services for returned citizens and un- and underemployed residents.
“Funding this program provides residents throughout the county with an opportunity to get the training and skills they need to re-enter our workforce,” County Executive Steuart Pittman said. “I want to thank ACT for spearheading this movement. Turnaround Thursday will strengthen our economy and improve the job readiness of our workforce, while serving as the missing piece for County agencies and partners working with residents in the reentry continuum.”
Modeled on a similar program in Baltimore City, Turnaround Thursday will help residents returning from incarceration by connecting them with training and living wage jobs. The County will dedicate $273,00 in American Rescue Plan funds to the Maryland Reentry Resource Center in partnership with ACT, with funding managed by ACDS. A cohort of 50 individuals will be served in the next six months.
“This grant represents an investment in transformed lives. This is about generational change - individuals whose lives are turned around such that they become positive change leaders in their families and communities,” ACT Strategy Team member The Reverend Doctor Carletta Allen said. “ACT celebrates this initial infusion and applauds the anticipated funding for subsequent years.”
Funding for subsequent years will be allocated to ACDS to continue building program capacity to serve 100 individuals each year.Turnaround Thursday Anne Arundel will serve as the hub for preparing returning, unemployed and under-employed residents to the workforce and taking an active role in transforming communities throughout Anne Arundel County. As the hub, TAT will layer in the expertise and programming from more than a dozen county agencies and affiliates who serve this population in the reentry continuum.
“This funding made possible by the County Executive will allow Maryland Reentry Resource Center to continue the work we began 2 years ago, allow us to build our capacity and expand our impact on the lives of individuals returning from incarceration,” Maryland Reentry Resource Center Executive Director Vanessa Bright said.
“Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center has long been a leader at providing equitable and safe hiring practices,” said Sherry Perkins, president of Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center. "By joining Turnaround Anne Arundel, we’re partnering for enhanced investment in skills training, job placement, and career coaching."