We are now a whole week closer to Halloween, and we have watched all the movies to get us into the spirit of things. Now it is time to take the plunge and go through the Haunted Houses. Right here, on our Eastern Shore, Anne Arundel County, and beyond, there are plenty of houses and mansions to choose from, all varying on levels of spooky.
Station 7 Terror Trail, Gambrills
Open Friday and Saturdays through November 2nd, 7:30 – 10:30 p.m.
$10 for Boo Haunt Loop and $20 for Terror Trail
Thrill seekers can now journey deeper into the woods, with more horrifying scenes and creepy characters along the way! And there's even a family-friendly trail, the Boo Haunt Loop, with toned down scares for the little ones to enjoy. We recommend the Terror Trail to those 8 and older, while the Boo Haunt Loop is for those of all ages.
With fun for everyone, Station 7 Terror Trail enjoys seeing those in the community enjoy Halloween Season fun, both family-friendly and spooky style. The crew at Terror Trail has been delivering scares to locals since 2014, using Haunted Trails as fundraisers for the Arundel Volunteer Fire Department.
301 Devil’s Playground, Galena
Open Fridays and Saturdays through October 31st 7-10 p.m.
4 Attractions:
House of Hell: There was a well-known judge from up state that got caught taking payoffs from criminals. One Criminal he let go was a mass murderer who preyed on the rich and skinned all of his victims alive. One October night the killer captured the judges wife Mary. Skinned her alive and bought her back to her home, leaving her on the step for the judge to discover in the morning. Soon after his wife's death the judge went crazy. He sold his home and purchased an old farm in Galena Maryland, where he would live for the rest of his life along with his loving wife Mary's body. Some of the locals say he buried her on the farm and some say he keeps her in the house. It's still a mystery to this day. In October 1972 the judge was accused of kidnapping a Delaware Women, the story goes that he is looking for human skin to put on his loving wife Mary's body…
The Harvest: A corn maze experience like no other.. Come face your fears at The Harvest, 301 Devils Playground's all new haunted attraction.
The Barn of Torture: Local twin boys were hired by the judge to manage the farm. These boys had been in a fire at age 7 and were burned badly on their faces. The locals would make fun of them so bad, that the mother kept them locked up in their basement. But the judge looked passed their disfigured faces and let them help on the farm. It was said that the judge would use the boys to help him find rich victims and bring them back to the farm so he could skin them alive. Sometimes their skin wasn't what he was looking for so those victims were left for the boys to torture by cutting them up or burning them…Some of the locals still say today that you can hear screams and weird noises coming from the farm….
3-D Phobia: A 3-D blacklight experience like no other. Come face your fears in 3-D Phobia.
Laurel’s House of Horror, Laurel
Open Thursday through Sunday through November 7th, hours vary
2 Attractions:
Haunted House: Laurel’s House of Horror is DC, Virginia and Maryland’s largest indoor haunted house experience, built inside of an abandoned movie theater. The Haunted House is open every year for select dates from September – November for the Halloween season.
Escape the Movies Escape Room: Laurel’s House of Horrors is proud to present its signature escape room experience “Escape the Movies!”. Reformatted by a new team for the haunt season, it uniquely features original, custom-built and hi-tech puzzles that will challenge you to do things and solve problems you’ve never done before. Located in a former abandoned, haunted movie theater, it was hardly a surprise to discover a black hole around the projector in theater #4. With high-precision mathematics and just the right amount of voodoo, we have harnessed its power, allowing guests to be projected into scenes from classic horror movies. You have 45 minutes to find your way out, or else. (Just kidding, we let you out eventually).
Field of Screams, Olney
Open Thursday through Sunday through November 7th, hours vary
2 Attractions:
Haunted Trail: The Haunted Trail is 13 stations of Campground fears that wind you through the haunted forest of Field of Screams Maryland!! These stations take the haunted trail experience to the next level with haunted houses dotting the trail with their terrifying looks, sounds, animation and props. This trail is themed as a Camp Fear where a group of 20 year old campers once laughed, played and brutally died.
Trail of Terror: A 30 min terrifying walk through a haunted forest best known for its 13 small haunted houses scattered throughout the darkest and scariest woods you have ever entered. The woods are covered with horrific sites, zombies and haunted houses all laying in wait for you to arrive.
Bennett’s Curse, Baltimore
Open Thursday through Sunday through November 7th, select days after that
4 Attractions:
Underworld Haunted House: The UNDERWORLD, the word itself strikes fear in the hearts of humanity. For in the UNDERWORLD, all that is evil, all that is corrupt, and all that is nightmarish resides. When Lucifer fell and took a third of the angels with him, it was the UNDERWORLD where he and his horde fell and would inhabit. In the world of the fiery abyss and total darkness there roamed creatures ranging from small to enormous. Demons, Vampires, hideous monstrosities and evil men of a wicked and limitless imagination were borne. After centuries of exposure to the great portal connecting the world of the living and of the undead, a NEW UNDERWORLD has emerged and a fear beyond your wildest nightmares is ready to be unleashed on all those prepared to test their fate.
Legends of Halloween: Imagine walking through a world where everything you know and love about Halloween is brought to life, but in a pulse-pounding and fully immersive environment that is sure to thrill and terrify visitors. Introducing the newest show in our amazing line-up of attractions, Legends of Halloween is a frightful journey through the Halloween world itself! Filled with everything you’d expect to see in a classic Halloween setting, but with a horrific Bennett’s Curse twist. Wicked witches, giant spiders, classic monsters, mummies, werewolves, a living forest, scarecrows, ghosts, a haunted cemetery, are just some of what you will encounter!
Inferno 3D: Abandon all hope, ye who enters here… It was the famous Italian poet Dante Alighieri who wrote The Divine Comedy, sometimes referred to as “Dante’s Inferno” between c. 1308 and his death in 1321. This masterpiece of Italian literature tells of the imaginative and terrifying vision of the afterlife as representative of the medieval world view. Now, 700 years later, we welcome you to Bennett’s Inferno, or the all new AND IMPROVED show “The Inferno in 3D” that will take you from off the pages of a book, and literally take you into the world of the most dreaded and feared place imaginable. The Inferno in 3D will be the closest to Hell that you will ever hope to be as you traverse through the very circles of the Inferno itself, all in an amazing and fully immersive 3D environment. The Inferno in 3d promises to be the best 3D haunt in the world, and we are proud to once again offer the first of its kind 3D themed Haunted House attraction. Guests, or “souls” will be given a special pair of special 3D glasses will bring this attraction to life where you will first enter the imposing Gates of Hell and descend into the Inferno and face your own Judgment! You will enter the circles of Wrath and Violence, Gluttony, Heresy, Greed and more where every step you take will bring you closer and closer to your final damnation all while constantly confronting the most diabolical giant monsters, demons, fallen angels, and other hideous creatures along your journey.
Ravenbrook Asylum: The former Sanctuary of Insanity has been closed, but in its place a new and more diabolical menace has emerged. As the community surrounding the Asylum grew, Dr. Nolan Taylor, along with his twin sister Bonnie and the rest of his demented staff set forth to create a more disturbing and efficient institution to continue their dreadful work. Partially built on to the former sanctuary but greatly expanding it, the new institution was named RAVENBROOK Asylum. The worst of the worst were sent here, to be forgotten and safe from the population, but like all things evil, it could not be contained for very long. Ravenbrook Asylum houses society’s most criminally insane patients but has experienced a complete collapse. An evil entity has made not only the patients even more disturbed, but the staff as well. Once you are officially committed, you will be “welcomed” to explore the actual halls of the asylum and come face to face with its many deranged inhabitants.
Frightland, Middletown, DE
Open Thursday through Sunday through November 7th, 6:30-9 p.m.
8 Attractions:
The Attic: Recently uncovered by the staff of Frightland, the Attic above the Barn was Isabella Idalia’s personal playground. After Isabella’s suicide, Dr Idalia locked up the attic and never step foot in the attic again. In fact, no one step foot in the attic again until Frightland staff were finally able to gain access inside. To this day, you can still hear the laughs – and screams – of Isabella Idalia as they echo through the halls of the attic.
Idalia: Dr Thaddeus Idalia was a well respected doctor in the small town of Middletown, Delaware. That is, until he discovered his daughters lifeless body hanging in his own barn nearby. His beloved Isabella had committed suicide and it drove him to insanity. He refused to leave the property and mostly confined himself to the Manor where he began conducting unspeakable experiments on both human and animal subjects. His intent? To bring the dead back to life. Barely keeping them alive, many eventually escaped on to the property, while others remained in the house. Dr Idalia is said to still be seen roaming the halls of the manor looking for his next experiment.
Haunted Barn: It was in this very barn that Dr Idalia found his daughter Isabella had committed suicide when he discovered her lifeless body hanging from a rope tied to the rafters. Since then, the barn has been a haven for spirits, demons and entities that have refused to move on from our world. From the ghosts of former patients who violently died at the hands of Dr Idalia’s unfathomable experiments to lost souls who refuse to leave the property, the Haunted Barn is not a place for the sensitive or weak willed.
Horror Hayride: There is nothing quite like a relaxing hayride on a brisk Fall evening to help you unwind. You won’t find that at Frightland. Our haunted hayride takes you on a mile long journey through the fields and woods of the Frightland property. Since Dr. Idalia’s death, many of his escaped experiments took to living in the woods away from the manor where they could stay under the radar. Additionally, nefarious types from all over found refuge in the vast darkness of the property. You will come face to face with some of these dangerous souls, who are sure to be angry that you’ve discovered them.
Fear: While clearing part of the woods on the property, yet another grueling discovery awaited – a building that Dr. Idalia used to conduct fear experiments on his unsuspecting patients. Arachnophobia. Coulrophobia. Achondroplasia. Dr Idalia left no fear untested. Be prepared to face your own worst nightmare as you enter Fear.
Zombie Town: When Dr Thaddeus Idalia’s father, Dr Jacob Idalia, moved the family from tombstone Arizona to Delaware, he settled in a quaint house in a mining town located near his sons property. Thaddeus studied medicine while he lived in the manor. Jacob took care of the ill in the mining town. As the gold rush boomed and the thirst of outlaws grew to such frenzied extremes that they were willing to kill for more wealth, Dr Jacob’s wife and two daughters were killed in a house fire intentionally set by the outlaws. Seeking his revenge, Dr Jacob Idalia poisoned the well water of the town, slowly killing himself and everyone in it. Innocent or guilty, every last one of the townspeople died a slow horrible death. Now, they will inhabit the town forever as ghosts – eternally damned to the place where they were murdered.
Zombie Prison: Underneath the grounds of Frightland lie a network of tunnels and prison cells where Dr Idalia caged his most violent and dangerous experiments. Locked behind pure steel bars, 13 feet underground they were housed far away from access to freedom. Except that when Dr Idalia died, they were able to free themselves. In your visit to the Zombie Prison, you will come face to face with purely insane inmates who have been waiting to take their revenge on someone… on anyone at all.
Ravenwood Cemetery: To keep the authorities from catching on to what he was doing, Dr Idalia took to burying his victims on the property. Over the years, he buried hundreds of the bodies of his experiments. Some died horrible and cruel deaths, while others had never died at all. You will find both roaming the cemetery waiting to seek their revenge on any who dare to enter their final resting place.