Annapolis Internal Medicine opened their doors in 1974 when Dr. George Samaras began his practice of internal medicine and nephrology.
Over the years, the practice has grown and flourished, and is now the largest Internal Medicine practice in Annapolis. Anticipating the needs of the community, the group has grown to include 10 physicians, treating the entire spectrum of adult care internal medicine problems. In addition, the subspecialties of Nephrology (kidney diseases) and Endocrinology (diabetes and other glandular disorders) help to prevent progression of these disease states.
Internists are heavily trained in in-patient hospital medicine and as a result, they are very comfortable with everything from simple colds and fl us, to blood pressure management to very complex patients with multiple complex medical problems. Internists are particularly good at keeping you OUT of the hospital! Your Internist at Annapolis Internal Medicine will be the central hub of all of your medical care and as such, be your complete health care advisors. Our ultimate goal will be the prevention any major problems through intensive, focused care of earliest signs of future problems. If you do develop a medical illness, we will help you to review the current options in treatment and help YOU to decide what is the best option for you, in a manner that is meant to be a partnership—oft en based on decades of knowing each other. If needed, we are able to refer you to the care of specialists whom we all know very well and work with regularly. We are available for medical problems and emergency call 24 hours a day.
Annapolis Internal Medicine has opened its own Walk-In Clinic beginning in late 2010. This is YOUR OWN PRIVATE Walk-In Clinic, for our patients only. The NPs or doctors you will see there are the same caregivers that have been providing exemplary care for many years. And the newer members are all trained at the best institutions and must meet very strict criteria to join us. The Walk-In uses the exact same electronic medical charts so they know all of your medicines, past problems, allergies, etc. And your doctor will receive notice immediately when you are seen. Should anything be complicated, your doctor will come downstairs and see you or you may come up stairs to our main suite for immediate care. The Walk-In Clinic is open six days per week and we hope to be open seven days per week soon!
Annapolis Internal Medicine was also the first practice to establish its own Electronic Medical Record that allowed patients direct access to their physicians and the office via the internet. AIM patients can view their lab tests, medicine lists—and they can request medicine refills, referral requests to consultants or tests. In addition, patients are able to email the office, their Medical Assistant (one-to-one relationship with each doctor) or they can email their doctor DIRECTLY one-on-one at no additional charge. We are one of only a handful of Maryland doctors' offices that is NCQA Level II certified and AIM participated in one of the area's earliest Patient Centered Medical Home projects. In fact, we have continued to aggressively pursue all of the latest technology and techniques to improve patient care.
At Annapolis Internal Medicine, you will establish a relationship with one physician who will be responsible for your total health care. This will provide complete continuity of care and a closer patient/physician relationship. As we say, we AIM for the Best Health Care!
AIM salutes their Top Docs…
Dr. George Samaras (who was also elected in 2005, 2007, 2009), Dr. Joseph Friend (also 2005, 2007, 2009), and Dr. Titus A aham (this is his fi rst year being selected after spending 6 years as the Co-Medical Director of AAMC’s Hospitalist Program. He receives this award after only two and a half years with AIM.
In addition to this year's winners, AIM has been proud to have had the following doctors also receive this prestigious recognition in the past: Dr. Michael Freedman (2005, 2007, 2009), Dr. Howard Goldstein (2009), and Dr. Michele Smadja-Gordon for Endocrinology (2005, 2007, 2009).
and welcomes future Top Docs…
Dr. Courtney Milne-Krohn from Georgetown University, Dr. Kevin Groszkowski from Johns Hopkins,
Dr. Katherine Sullivan from University of Maryland, Dr. Mollie Sourwine from University of Maryland
Q: Why should I select an Internist?
A: Internists, or Doctors of Internal Medicine, are Doctors for Adults. They are referred to as the “doctor’s doctor” as they can solve complex diagnostic problems. They are Specialist of Primary Care and an expert on the adult body’s internal systems. Internists are able to manage any problem: complex or simple, rare or common. They are specially trained to handle challenging diagnostic problems and patients with severe or multiple chronic illnesses. Your Internist is your Primary Doctor, coordinating care from all Specialists to help prevent any problems by knowing YOU in the greatest detail. Internists take pride in caring for Adults for life. They have trained intensively in hospitals, ICUs, ERs and nursing homes. They are familiar with every aspect of adult medical needs. They focus heavily on Prevention of illness.
—Michael Freedman, MD, Annapolis Internal Medicine