Photo courtesy In Gratitude
Covering local performances, musicians, and venues
Though we love new music, nothing beats the ‘oldies but goodies.’ The songs that really get the party started. The songs for which we don’t have to think about the lyrics, they just come belting out. The songs that play and we can’t help but think of the special memories associated.
This month, Rams Head On Stage in Annapolis is hosting eight tribute bands; let’s call it ‘Nostalgia Month.’ Nostalgia Month kicks off July 5th with In Gratitude: A Tribute to Earth, Wind & Fire, followed by The Gathering Gloom: The Cure Tribute on July 7th.
Cash Unchained: the Ultimate Johnny Cash Tribute is on July 12th, then Fan Halen: The World’s Most Authentic Tribute to Van Halen on July 14th.
7 Bridges: The Ultimate Eagles Experience is on July 15th and The Allman Others Band: D.C.’s Tribute to the Allman Brothers on the 21st. The Doobie Others: A Tribute to the Doobie Brothers will be on July 23rd, followed by The Bangos: A Tribute to the Bangles & The Go-Go’s on July 27th.
Phew what a month of tributes! Get tickets to your favorite band-doppelgangers at ramsheadonstage.com.

Photo courtesy Avalon Theatre
On the Shore, local group Todd Marcus Quintet featuring Virginia MacDonald will be performing at Avalon Theatre in Easton on July 26th in the Stoltz Listening Room. Todd Marcus is a bass clarinetist from Baltimore who has been touring with Toronto clarinetist Virginia MacDonald since 2022 with their quintet. They have traveled across the United States and Canada showcasing the range of beauty and power of the clarinet in a modern jazz context. The concert will showcase a repertoire comprised of original compositions by both bandleaders, who will be releasing their debut album as co-leaders in 2025. Get tickets to the new and unique musical experience at avalonfoundation.org.
Other notable, local concerts worth checking out:
The Wailers at Avalon Theatre, Easton; July 3rd; avalonfoundation.org
American Salute at Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall, Baltimore; July 6th; my.bsomusic.org
Yachtley Crew at Maryland Hall, Annapolis; July 18th; marylandhall.org
Third Eye Blind at Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia; July 19th; merriweathermusic.com
The Conservatory Classic Jazz Band at The Mainstay, Rock Hall; July 20th; mainstayrockhall.org
Fantasia at MGM National Harbor; July 27th; mgmnationalharbor.mgmresorts.com
O.A.R. at Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia; July 27th; merriweathermusic.com