Avi Wilcox Art Reception & Gallery Talk
Slayton House Studio 10400 Cross Fox Ln, Columbia, Maryland 21044
Local Artist Avi Wilcox is excited to invite you to his first solo gallery opening at the Bernice Kish Gallery. While always a passionate creator, at the University of Maryland College Park, Avi found an unexpected love and freedom in nonrepresentational abstract painting.
Inspired by the intuitive fluid motion of the living world, Avi’s paintings in Unexpected Results seek to explore surprising harmonies and rigid contrast. Instinctive motion and new perspectives lead him to constantly redefine how the paintings are viewed. While hung a certain way, all pieces in the show could be displayed at any rotation.
Avi invites you to join him for the reception and Gallery talk on Sunday July 7th from 3-5pm. Otherwise feel free to swing by the Bernice Kish gallery and view the pieces at your leisure from July 3rd to August 16th.