The resulting entries from our call-out to readers, asking for Chesapeake Bay and water-related photography, were phenomenal.
It turns out; you really like photographing the Bay and its watershed. From nature’s best (ospreys and sunsets dominated the entries) to man-made marvels (ships sailing to fireworks overhead) and leisure, there was an awesome field of entries. Here, we present the three overall winners, plus several honorable mentions, that topped our editors’ and staff photographer’s list of print-worthy photographs. Enjoy!
Enter our Next Photo Contest | The subject is “Stormy Weather”
rWhile we are particularly interested in Hurricanes, striking images of any local storm activity is of interest. Please send your large files one at a time by email to: or mail prints or disks to:929 West Street, Ste. 208A, Annapolis MD 21401r
DEADLINE June 1st 2011
First, second, and third place winners will receive a prize to be determined.
rOur “Fun on the Water” contest winners each received tickets to our annual Best of Annapolis & Eastern Shore party, taking place June 13 at 6 p.m. To purchase your tickets click here.
rMake sure to comment below the photo album telling us which photo is your favorite and why.
{gallery}Water Photo Contest{/gallery}