“I have always been very interested in Asian cultures and think it would be great growth experience.,” says Kelly. “ The People To People mission is ‘To idge cultural and political borders through education and exchange, making the world a better place for future generations.' I care very much about our world and making it a better place and this is really why I would like to go. “ Thus far, Kelly has raised $4319.00 earning money through babysitting, extra household chores, and tutoring. She needs to raise a total of $7,500 in the next two months in order to go on the trip and thus is working very hard on fundraising.
“I must attend monthly People to People training sessions<“explains Kelly.” There were 22 delegates selected in the Chesapeake Bay Area, and 15 from the Lafayette NJ area.”
An accomplished student, the Anne Arundel county resident and high school freshman has won a number of awards including the Magothy River Middle School: Math Award 2010; Magothy River MS Social Studies Award: 2010; President's Award for Educational Excellence (signed by President Obama):2010; Magothy River Middle School Principals' Honor Roll/all quarters, and the 2010; Art Award fpr Broadneck High School. You can visit her website devoted to planning for the trip at: http://kellytojapan.wordpress.com