Annapolis, MD - The Department of Aging and Disabilities is pleased to announce that the Caregivers Support groups will begin in-person meetings in January 2022. Caregivers will still have the option of attending the groups virtually through the Zoom platform, where you will be able to log in through your computer or listen by phone.
Please note the changes in location. The Glen Burnie Support Group will meet on January 12th at 1:00 pm on the 2nd floor of the North County/Hein Office. The Annapolis Support Group will meet on January 18th at 1:00 pm in the Independence Conference Room at 2664 Riva Road.
All visitors to Anne Arundel County government buildings are required to sign in with the building's security guard and all visitors are required to wear masks.
Please contact 410-222-4375/4339 or caregiver_support@aacounty.org for the Zoom link.
Family caregivers, living in or caring for someone in Anne Arundel County, are also invited to join our Facebook Support Group page. We hope this gives you the opportunity to connect with each other, share your concerns and your experiences and, hopefully, laugh in-between meeting times. For those of you unable to attend the daytime meetings due to work schedules or other commitments, this format provides you with the opportunity to connect, share with and support other caregivers. You can find the group on Facebook.com/ArundelSeniors.
Anyone needing accommodations must contact Mary Chaput at 410-222-4339, or by e-mail at agchap01@aacounty.org at least seven days in advance of the event. TTY users, please call via Maryland Relay 7-1-1. All materials are available in an alternative format upon request.