rOur Family Law Practice Group is committed to obtaining the optimum results in every case, whether through a negotiated settlement, a mediated agreement, the collaborative law process, or, as a last resort, litigation.r
The focus of our practice is our client. Our services are tailored to the individual and the needs of each case. We utilize the latest technology to deliver efficient and cost-effective representation. More importantly, we limit the number of cases we accept in order to devote the necessary time that each of our clients deserves and expects.
rIf you want and need effective, aggressive personalized representation, contact us to discuss your situation. Experience counts in family law cases; let us prove it to you.
rrDalnekoff & Mason, P.A.
rAttorneys at Law
r2448 Holly Avenue, Suite 301, Annapolis, MD
r410-841-6500 | info@dalnekoffmason.com