Photo courtesy of City of Annapolis
The Public is Invited to Comment
Annapolis, MD – The City of Annapolis’ Department of Planning and Zoning has released the city’s first-ever citywide Public Water Access Plan, a two-year effort funded by the National Park Service with support from the U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe Center. The Draft Plan includes more than fifty recommendations for opportunities where public water access can be improved or expanded as well as goals and actions to promote accessibility, community, connectivity, equity, resilient design, and policy oriented toward equitable public water access. The Draft Plan also includes recommendations for expanding programs, partnerships, and alternative mobility options.
The Draft Plan is available for download and comments can be submitted on the project website: https://www.annapolis.gov/2114/Public-Water-Access-Plan.
In 2020, when the Annapolis Maritime Task Force was convened, an area of focus was to strengthen and reconnect residents and businesses to the water. One of the key recommendations included in the Task Force’s final report was to create a plan to enhance public access to the waterfront and on-water activities.
Because public water access and on-water activities are not a one-size-fits-all-locations solution, the Task Force determined that the best approach to improve public access needs would be developed through rigorous public engagement. In 2022, the City began work on the Public Water Access Plan by engaging the public, conducting a water access/site survey, holding focus groups, hosting workshops, and preparing a needs assessment, among other activities.
To facilitate public review of the plan, two public events have been scheduled to share the Draft Plan, receive comments, and provide a forum to ask questions. The events will be held at the Pip Moyer Recreation Center (273 Hilltop Lane), from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26 and Tuesday, July 9. The events will include a formal presentation by City staff followed by an open house where participants can review key recommendations in the Draft Plan and submit comments.
Even as the Draft Plan is still being finalized, numerous public water access improvements are already underway including major projects at the City Dock, Elktonia/Carr’s Beach, Hawkins Cove, Robert H. Eades Park, Gateway Park, and numerous street end parks.