October 1
Sunset Celebration is a relaxed, casual evening benefiting Hospice of Queen Anne’s The evening features a scrumptious buffet, cocktails, live and silent auctions and music. At the Kent Island Yacht Club, Chester. 5-9 p.m. $55. 443-262-4106.
Tails and Trails Dog Walk lets you celebrate dog ownership and help raise money for homeless animals. Proceeds benefit the Caroline County Humane Society. At Adkins Arboretum, Ridgely. 10 a.m. Raise funds by being sponsored; forms available at the Caroline County Humane Society. Adkinsarboretum. 410-820-1600.
October 2
Jen’s Gems Annual All-You-Can-Eat Crab Feast offers steamed crabs and all the fixins, live music, silent auction, and more. Proceeds benefit Maryland’s Ronald McDonald House. At the Masthead at Pier Street Marina, Oxford. 1 a.m.-6 p.m. $25. jensgemsrunning.com. 410-924-4568.
October 6
9th Annual Hospice of the Chesapeake Golf Tournament has reserved both the Rivers and Lakes courses, and anticipates approximately 200 golfers. Proceeds directly benefit Hospice of the Chesapeake patients and families. At Queenstown Harbor Golf, Queenstown. 10 a.m. shotgun start. $250-$1,250. hospicechesapeake.org. 443-837-1530.
October 7
2nd Annual Clara Barton Awards Dinner honors Women of Distinction of the Eastern Shore, whose amazing traits of generostiy, community commitment, and spirit shine a light in our community, and serve as an inspiration to all. At the Talbot County Country Club, Easton. 6 p.m. $125. redcrossdelmarva.org
October 8
The Taste of Kent Narrows lets you sample the culinary talents of the area’s finest restaurants, and enjoy the waterfront view of th Eastern Shore. This family event benefits the Kent Narrows Development Foundation. Proceeds benefit the American Red Cross of Delmarva. At the Chesapeake Exploration Center, Chester. 12-5 p.m. $25 in advance; $30 at the door. tasteofkentnarrows.org. 410-739-6943.
Horn Point Laboratory Spat Dash 5K welcomes runners and walkers alike. Proceeds will benefit the Horn Point Laboratory Environmental Education Center. 8 a.m. $35. umces.edu. 410-221-8483.
October 9
Celebrate the Eastern Shore raises funds for Preservation Maryland. At Wye House Farm, Easton. 4-7 p.m. $80 individual tickets. Sponsorships also available $250-$5,000. Please order by 9/30. perservationmaryland.org. 410-685-2886.
Kent School’s First Annual Osprey Triathlon lets you bike, kayak, and run. Proceeds from the Osprey Triathlon will benefit Kent School’s need-based scholarship program. 9 a.m. $65 per racer and $125 per relay team; $75 and $135 on race day if space permits. Kentschool.org/triathlon. 410-778-4100.
October 14
6h Annual Girls’ Night Out is a lively evening of food and fashion, with a little shopping thrown in. Proceeds benefit Soroptimist International of Talbot County’s local signature project, PageTurners: Girls Who Read to Achieve, and other “Best for Women” Projects. At the Milestone Reception Hall, Easton. 5:30 p.m. $50. talbotsoroptimist.org.
October 15
The Annual John E. Memorial Sporting Clays Tournament features a 100 targets, snacks and beverages on the course, lunch and exciting prizes. Proceeds go towards the Chester River Hospital Center. Register by 10/7, and receive a $25 discount. At Schrader’s Bridgetown Manner, Henderson. 9 a.m. $125-$500. Chesterriverhealth.org. 410-810-5661.
October 21
Holiday Galleria features special boutiques and regional artisans. Proceeds benefit Shared Opportunity Service, Inc. and Kent Youth Inc. At the Kent County Community Center, Worton. $25. 6-8 p.m. kentyouth.com. 410-778-1370.
23rd Annual Benedictine Charity Golf Classic raises funds to benefit the Benedictine School for Exceptional Children in Ridgeley. At the Harbourtowne Golf Resort and Conference Center, St. Michaels. 10:30 a.m.-9 p.m. $150 per golfer; $35 for dinner guests. Benschool.org. 410-634-2112.
October 22
Defending the Caveman is sponsored by the Memorial Hospital Foundation to benefit the cardiac equipment fund. Reception at Scossa Restaurant and Lounge, Easton. Show at the Historic Avalon Theatre, Easton. 6:30-7 p.m. and 8 p.m. $150 for reception and show; $60 for show only. shorehealth.org. 410-822-1000, ext. 5763.
Mark Your Calendars
November 5
Annual Wye River Upper School Wine Tasting Fundraiser benefits the Wye River Upper School. Your ticket includes a wide variety of wine tastings and hors d’oeuvres. At the Talbot Country Club, Easton. 6-9 p.m. Purchase tickets in advance by calling 410-827-5822. Wyeriverupperschool.org.
Celtic New Year Concert with Maggie Sansone. This is a must see performance, complete with great food and a cash bar. Proceeds benefit the Centre for the Art’s Building Fund. At the Centre for the Arts, Centreville. 7 p.m. $30-$35. Arts4u.info. 410-758-2520.